Part 1

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Forbidden Love

Chapter One

Princess Luna lay on her bed, struggling to find motivation to get out of it.

What's the point of doing anything when We are cared for by no one? We will not be missed if We were to die... We do not think anyone would even notice...

Her fingers subconsciously traced over her arm, and the moonlight illuminated the many scars that crossed over it.

Most of them were no more than a day old.

She had tried to stop... and had succeeded for a week...

And then she relapsed. Sure, she threw all her blades away, but what use did that do when she could just conjure a new one?

We are worthless. Unable to resist the urge for more than a week... How weak of Us. There is no need for Us to remain in this world... Anyone can do what We do, and We are not needed.

She sat up suddenly and snapped her fingers. A sharp razor blade appeared, and she pressed it hard against her wrist, fully intending to slice it.

Perhaps it would be best if We ended it all now. There would be no more pain... No more anything. We would not be wasting anyone's time.

She took a deep breath, and then...

A knock was heard on her door. She quickly put the blade under her pillow, wiped her eyes of tears she hadn't realised were there, quickly pulled her sleeve down so it would cover her arm and then said, "Thou may enter."

"Your Highness, Princess Celestia has sent me to inform Your Majesty that the King of the Crystal Empire shall soon be here and Your Highness' presence is required. The Ruler of the Crystal Empire shall be arriving in half an hour."

Luna nodded and the Guard left.

She forced herself to get out of bed and entered her bathroom, intending to have a shower to clear her head...

Princess Luna put a dark blue sleeveless dress on which reached her knees, after which she put on some sort of handless gloves to cover up to her elbow. She continued getting dressed, and once done, she looked in a mirror.

She immediately looked away. ...Why do We look in the mirror at all when We know We'll hate what We see?

Luna thought back on the events which had led to her... cutting.

She wanted to stop badly, but the negative feelings often overwhelmed her and she needed a way to get rid of them for a while.

At first Luna found it a little strange, that cutting herself and causing physical scars lessened the pain given by others.

But it did help her a lot, so as time passed she thought about it less.

The events that had sent her spiralling into this state had been caused by none other than her sister.

To be honest, Princess Celestia had done nothing. It was merely the fact and knowledge that her sister was more popular than she was, and unlike Luna, the Princess of the Sun was loved by the people of Equestria rather than feared and loathed..

But wait a second, Celestia had done something. She would always treat Luna coldly, and present her as insignificant to other people.

She made it look like Luna was a foolish and immature girl whose opinion was of no value.

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