Part Six

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Six


The sound resonated throughout the Castle, and  Luna swore that she could see a few guards looking up to see the source of the sound...or was that just in her imagination?

 "D'AAAAH!" yelled Shadowlance as the force of the smack sent him sprawling backwards and onto the floor. He held  a  hand to his face and winced.

The Lunar Princess sheepishly held out a hand to help the Vampire up. "Sorry… I guess I put a little too much power behind that one…"

 " If that's what you call a little too much power, then I fear to imagine what your full strength is. "

 "Does it hurt?" Luna asked, wincing as she saw her personal guard's red cheek.

 " 'Course it does. People who think girls are weak are truly mistaken…. "

She gave a fake gasp of shock. "So you thought I was weak?!"

 " No Prin-"

 "Then what was all of that about, huh? And here I thought you were supposed to be my friend…"

 " Luna... " Shadowlance rolls his eyes.

 "Doth thou dare to roll thine eyes at thine Princess?! "

"A Princess who is my friend, and yes, I dare to for I am the guard- the bravest guard in all of Equestria. And yet I was a fool to believe that you were weak. "

"Aha! So you did think I was weak. "

"No I meant to say that I was a fool to underestimate you- that's all," he said in a nervous panic.

"Indeed you were...Though, believe me when I say that I truly did not mean to put that much force behind it. If it still hurts, I can cast a numbing spell..."

"Yes please."

After that, they remained in silence for a while, standing at the balcony and looking out of it.

Many thoughts passed through Luna's head as she stood there, but none of them were voiced.

She admired the way she had arranged the stars on that particular night, and sighed as she thought of how few people appreciated it. The Vampires stayed awake at night only because the Sun would burn them.

But the citizens of the Crystal Empire appreciate it...

At last, Luna broke the silence, gently saying, "I believe it is time to lower the moon. Have pleasant dreams, Shadowlance."

"Same to you Luna."


The week passed by slowly. Luna was not bothered by her older sister, who kept mostly to herself.

This meant that Luna was free to do what she wanted, so even though she wanted to visit King Sombra, she remembered his words. As much as I love to see you, my beautiful Princess, you should be careful when choosing the times that you come. Do not come on a night that is too close to the other, as she will surely notice. Perhaps once a week is enough?

So it was with Shadowlance whom she went with instead. They went to a couple of places, to which the Lunar Princess had never been, and the Vampire was more than happy to explain to her what they were.

They mostly talked, and Shadowlance had once said I swear, all you talk about is King Sombra.

That, of course, had flustered the Princess, and she had looked away, falling silent. Shadowlance then told her that it was just a joke, and they resumed talking soon after.

She enjoyed leaving the castle, which had been like a prison to her. And she enjoyed her nights out with her friend.

But she and Shadowlance agreed that they should not go out too often or they would be caught by Celestia, the consequences of which would be disastrous.

It was on a cold Friday night, when things were quiet in the castle as usual that she decided to visit King Sombra again, as her thoughts revolved around him all night and in her dreams.

She did think of Shadowlance quite a couple of times, but that was beside the point.

This time she wore the clothes that Shadowlance had bought for her, and was almost about to set off when she remembered that she was accidentally leaving him behind.

Pausing she turned back from her balcony and opened her door a little. He is leaning against the wall opposite her.

"Shadowlance," she whispered, knowing that his sensitive Vampire hearing would allow him to detect even the quietest of noises.

He turns around upon hearing her and says, "Did you call me, Princess?"

Luna nods and motions for him to come. He enters her room and once the door is closed, asks, "So, why did you call me?"

"It's that time."

"What time?" He inquires, confused, before saying, "Oh, it's time! You're going to the C-"

"Shh, not here!" She says before he can let the entire castle know where she's going. "Just follow me," she said, standing on the railing of her balcony, using magic to balance herself.

"We're flying there," she informs him,  before casting a spell to give her wings. That other spell was rather tiring.

She then jumps off. Shadowlance watches as she flies, and then transforms into a bat, following her.

Once he's caught up, Luna looks behind her and asks, "You can transform into a bat?"

"Why do you think that Vampires are sometimes referred to as bat people?"

"Huh... Shadowlance! Let's have a race! Whoever gets there first, wins!"

"What do they win?"

"The race, of course," she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"But I've never flown there before!"

"I'm sure you'll find it."



Shadowlance rolls his eyes as Luna zooms past, and speeds up...

"Well, that was rather fun, wasn't it?" They both are collapsed on the snow, near the border of the Empire.

"Yes, it was."

"So, who would you say won?"

"Both of us," Luna says. "So, we're both winners!"

Shadowlance laughs. "The Crystal Empire looks better than I thought it would."

"Indeed, it is a place of beauty. Come on, let's go there."

They get up and start walking towards the Empire. Once they're at the gates, the guards let Luna pass, but question who Shadowlance is.

Luna explains that he's her personal guard, and they both are let through.

"Wow..." Shadowlance gazes around in wonder. "I wish I could live here..."

"You could always apply to become my guard, you know," someone says behind them...

Author's Note: This chapter must be terrible... For which I'm sorry. But I was just unable to write anything! I kept trying...and this is the end result.

I'm running out of ideas....

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