Part 17

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Seventeen

The Solar Princess had lost track of time as she became lost in her grief. The nights turned into days, the days turned into weeks...

It felt like months had passed since she barricaded herself in her room, when in reality, she knew it was days.

Meals were brought to her by the maids, but she didn't eat them, for she had no appetite.

Even now, she can still remember Luna's words...

""No. Cease thine begging for it is of no use. Doth thee take Us for a fool? Doth thee actually think that after all thou hast done, that We would forgive thou so easily? After all the shit thou hast done to Us, after all the shit We have had to put up with, thou should count thyself lucky if We ever choose to forgive thou. Never forgive...Never forget."

"Never forgive...Never forget..." she murmurs. "Does this mean that Luna will never forgive me? And that what He's done has scarred her for life...?"

A bitter laugh escaped her throat. It's ironic. I changed Luna's memories to make her think that she had a good childhood, and was loved and cared for by our parents, just so that she wouldn't feel hurt... But now, that was all for nothing...

Why does He want to hurt me so badly? What my parents have done in the past shouldn't affect me...

Her tears started again... I can't seem to do anything right... I banished Stygian... I failed to protect myself and Luna from Interitus... And now Equestria is falling since the only ruler they'll listen to is staying cooped up in her room...


Perhaps my time is over... I've lived long enough. By staying in this world, I'll only bring pain to Luna because I can't even stop Him from controlling me...


I've hurt Luna enough; I don't want Him to hurt her even more...


But without me, Equestria will fall... The people will not listen to Luna... But, if I had to choose between Equestria and Luna, I'd choose Luna...

Die... Die... It would be a pity for your suffering to end, but at least I would have had my revenge... So yes, you're unneeded now.

...Really, I would have preferred to have you like this for all eternity, but you would have died someday, anyway... Even if it'll be painful when the spell banishes me again, I'll be content with knowing that I alone managed to cause you pain, and drove you to this.

She tried to not listen to his words, but if her life was what she had to give to ensure her sister's happiness and safety, she'd be more than willing to do so.

Celestia stepped away from her balcony, and returned to her room, searching for an object she knew she had.

Jumping would be easier, but I don't want my death to be published in the newspapers...

She opened a cabinet and found it. It was a beautiful sword, one that her father had gifted her when she mastered all types of magic.

It was sharp enough to do the job, yet she didn't want to stain it with her blood, for it was the last thing she had ever gotten from her father.

She almost broke down upon remembering their last happy memory together, and the torture he had been put through before death was given to him.

Once, she had wished to avenge her parents, but against a being who seemed to have no weaknesses, how could she ever hope to do so?

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