Part 26

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Twenty Six

Just as she said that a fireball went flying towards Luna, but she deflected it with her shield, returning it, but Celestia merely deflected it with a hastily crafted shield at the door, which opened.

Shadowlance strolled in. "Hey Luna, I heard you s-whoa!" He notices the fireball which is flying towards him and draws his sword, making it go back...and hit Luna who had gotten distracted by his arrival which caused her magical shield to dissipate.

As the Vampire runs to Luna, kneeling beside her in shock, Celestia laughs and teleports away.

The Lunar Princess groaned as the fireball hit her, burning her arm in the exactly same place that Celestia had burned it before.

Its impact caused her to stumble, and trying not to aggravate her injury, the Vampire helped Luna up. She winced as his fingers brushed against her arm.

As he guided her to the bed so she might rest, he felt as though his movement was automatic. He was still processing everything while his body moved on its own.

He didn't know what to do or think. He had brought Luna here in hopes of spending some time with her as well as finding out if she felt the same feelings for him that he did for her.

And instead of it going as he planned, with them doing various activities and then having a candlelit dinner in which he'd impress Luna with his cooking skills, the middle of which he'd propose, but no, everything just had to go wrong, didn't it?

Perhaps that was God's way of telling him that it was too soon to propose to her. Well, he supposed that might be the most logical explanation - people usually date and then if they like each other that much they end up getting married... But since when did Shadowlance not do anything in a rush? Even his birth was too early...

Way to go, Shadowlance... he thought bitterly. You wanted to win her heart and now look at what you've done.

He decided to stop moping and pay attention to the one he had unintentionally hurt.

She sat upon the bed silently, opening her hand which began to glow with her aura.

Dark blue magic surrounded the burn and wrapped a bandage around it just as Shadowlance had thought of getting first aid supplies.

He was the first to break the silence. " That's a...pretty handy spell, "he remarked.

Luna nodded, letting out a noncommittal grunt. "Indeed it is."

Well, now the silence feels even more awkward...

"...You're not...angry with me for what happened...are you?"

" No; why would We be? 'Twas a mere coincidence, nothing more, that thou would open the door at that exact moment and deflect it unto Us."

What she told was the truth. Had it been someone else in her situation, they might have become angered upon receiving the injury, but she did not feel anything.

To her, it was just a glorified burn - much more intense than one caused by fire as magic amplified the effect, but still a burn.

In short, it didn't bother her. Her mind was fixated on Celestia's sudden arrival.

Was She here all along? Did She plan all of this?


"We art not angry with thou. We art merely disturbed by the surprise visit from Her."

He fidgeted a little, looking at his hands as he prepared the next words he would speak.

"What do you say we go back to the Empire? I don't want to risk that happening again."

Luna nodded.

The journey back was silent. So silent, that Shadowlance began to wonder if his companion had fallen asleep.

When he turned his head, he saw that yes, that was the case.

I thought that in jest and it actually happened...

"And that's what happened?" asked Sombra worriedly, glancing at the sleeping Princess.

"Yes...That's everything..." groaned Shadowlance . "It was all my fault...Why did I have to have that stupid reflex...? "

"Don't blame yourself; you just went to the wrong place at the wrong time. But I'm sure She would've hurt Luna even if you weren't there."

The Vampire nods.

"Well, you should probably...have some rest," the King suggested .

"Are you trying to kill me by making me go down all those stairs?"

"You can have fun sliding down the bannister."

Shadowlance rolled his eyes and as he walked out of the room, muttered, "It's obvious that you don't want me to accidentally hurt Luna again and want me as far as possible from her, but spare a thought for my safety as well..."

Sombra sighed, and magically closed the door. The sound caused Luna to stir, and she opened her eyes.


"Shadowlance said you fell asleep on the way here so he carried you to the Castle. He also told me about everything that happened..."

"Oh," said Luna, unsure of how to respond.

"I have a spell that can make it heal faster, if you wish."

She nodded as the crimson magic created small sparks that were absorbed into her skin, making it instantly feel much better, with the pain being reduced. "Thanks, We really appreciate it."

"If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask me. I'll always be ready to help you." The Princess nodded again, and the King awkwardly said, "So, I'll be leaving unless you need anything else."

But the moment he turned and began to leave, Luna shuddered, and called him back.


" Yes? " he asked, turning back.

She felt like she shouldn't trouble him. He'd surely have much better and more important things to do than staying with her.

But the mere thought of being alone sent shivers down her spine.

She didn't want to be alone, in such a vulnerable state where anything could attack her.

Sombra made her feel safe.

He made her feel protected.

And so, she mustered the courage to express the desire in her mind.

"Canst thou...stay with Us?"

Author's Note:

I originally planned to let them have a nice time there with Shadowlance being able to propose but Luna would tell him she's not sure, he'd return to Equestria thinking of ways to make himself better, thinking that Luna likes Sombra because of his social status and stuff...

And then Ineritus/Celestia would show up, capture Shadowlance and then go to the Castle to get Luna.

Seriously, I can't believe I've almost done thirty chapters... And now I remember that this is an author's note, not a blog post, so... Ideas are always appreciated, as are comments.

Don't be silent readers (even if I am mostly one)!

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