Part 25

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Twenty Five

As Luna stepped into the water, she did her best to keep her smile on her face.

"Luna, come on! Swim time!"

But the deeper she got, the less she was able to. Her hands began to tremble; beads of sweat formed on her brow, and the breaths she took were shaky and drawn out.

"Luna, don't be scared. Like I said before, if you forgot how to swim, then I'll help you and teach you again."

She just nodded. Calm down...She's not here. Nothing bad will happen. Just relax...

She thought that she could manage it. However, the instant she dived to swim...

The Lunar Princess ' old memories all came rushing back to her.

"Swim you pathetic coward. Swim!"

Luna flailed around in the pool as her sister forcefully submerged her head under the water.

"Oh come on. It's not that hard- anyone can swim. But I suppose you don't really count as anyone , do you?"

A cruel chuckle rang out from her mouth as the Lunar Princess began to struggle harder, air bubbles flowing through the water as she accidentally opened her mouth.

At last she was picked up and thrown onto the grass where she choked and spat out water. "I wanted to drown you, but if I did, I wouldn't be able to have any more fun, would I?"

"Huh, looks like you've actually learnt how to swim...After years!"

Luna did her best to ignore her sister.

"Now, since you're so good at swimming, let's see how you'd do in here," she said, and levitated the girl into a bigger pool which contained...piranhas.

"Even though piranhas are usually scavengers and not harmful to humans..." A grin spread across Celestia's face. "I've enchanted these ones so that they'd be especially aggressive towards humans."

This caused her eyes to widen and she frantically squirmed, trying to get out of the Solar Monarch's grip, but as it was a magical one she was unable to.

Her eyes were fixated on the medium sized fish swimming around in the pool, and she knew that her sister would not be joking.

In desperation, her hands began to glow, casting what spell she knew not- all she knew was that she had to escape somehow.

But the spell could not even be cast for as soon as the first spark of magic was detected, she was thrown upon the ground and when she looked up, grimacing in pain, it was to meet the hateful glare of her sister, who spat, "I was going to go a little easy on you- give you a chance of survival, but now that you've dared to use magic against me, I'll go even harder. "

"Here, I'll help you," said Shadowlance, holding Luna's hand. For him, it was a harmless thing, but for the Princess... It awakened one of her worst memories...

"Hmm... let's see what I have planned for today's water session. Oh!" Her tormentor's eyes lit up. " Electricity! I wonder how long you'll manage to stay conscious for, and if it'll have any lasting effects. It says here that more than a few seconds of being shocked will be fatal, but that's just fine. I'll give you a break after each one, and just so that all of it doesn't add up and stop your heart, I'll heal you after it. That way we'll be able to do this all day!"

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