Chapter Eleven

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Eleven

I open the book and close my eyes to shield them from the bright light that shines from it. Moments later, I reopen them to see that there is a blank page. Ugh...this book is becoming a little irritating now.

My mind is now occupied with the book, and I stare at it, deep in thought. Is this one of those books where you have to put some sort of liquid on the paper for it to work?

I levitate a pen over and lie back in my bed, leaning the book against my knees.

I do a random scribble on the paper. Nothing happens. I sigh. Perhaps this is just a prank someone is pulling on me.

But wait. Ink isn't the only type of liquid that can be used to activate these books… Perhaps blood might work as well?

I look for a sharp object and find my penknife. It would work perfectly. It takes a second to form the cut. A sharp pain stings me as I hear the sound of my skin being cut open, and I press the cut area against the book to let the blood smear on it.

I move my finger away and see that this seems to have worked. The drops of my blood are disappearing into the book, and a swirling pattern is forming on the page with it.

The pattern is beautiful… as I stare into it I become mesmerised by the sheer beauty of it, and fail to notice the designs glowing brighter and brighter.

And then I feel my body twisting and turning, as the book tries to pull me in. The horrifying experience lasts a few minutes, and despite all the offensive spells I fire in a panic, the book has succeeded.

I find myself in a dark place, and it feels unbelievingly hot. I cast a light spell after I recover from my disorientation,and miraculously, my magic works.

I move my hair out of my eyes and look around my surroundings. In comparison to the overwhelming darkness, my small light is hardly anything. But I can at least make sure that I won't step into an abyss or an endless void…

So I cautiously walked forward while keeping my eyes on the ground. As I went further the darkness only grew until I could barely see my light.

I pumped more mana into the spell but my efforts were of no avail as my light only seemed to grow dimmer by the second.

What sort of a place was this? It is just darkness...and heat..and as I stood there like a lost lamb, I heard footsteps.

The Solar Princess walked back to her chambers, feeling numb. Yes she had been expecting Luna to- she hadn't expected Luna to forgive her right on the spot, but rejection always hurt, regardless of whether it was expected or not.

"No. Cease thine begging for it is of no use. Doth thee take Us for a fool? Doth thee actually think that after all thou hast done, that We would forgive thou so easily? After all the shit thou hast done to Us, after all the shit We have had to put up with, thou should count thyself lucky if We ever choose to forgive thou. Never forgive...Never forget."

Luna's words echo through her head. That cold, resentful expression… It haunted her.

I deserve her hatred. I deserve it! Even if it was not my actions through which she was harmed- even if it was He who had controlled me, it's all my fault. Why was I so weak?! It was my guilt and sorrow that He fed on and even now I am doing nothing but powering him! My misery is for Him, nothing more than a treat, and yet I cannot stop myself from feeling this way. I've caused Luna so much misery, all because I was too weak to stop Him! I did not use my common sense, and now I have to pay the price!

She fell to her knees as the tears began to flow. For so long she had been keeping her feelings locked up and now she- they began to take hold of her.

"I'm so sorry Luna... I'm so sorry! If only you knew!" Her mournful cries were all that could be heard throughout the Castle, and none of the guards nor maids dared to disturb the Princess...

It was now the evening and the Solar Princess forced herself to stand, wincing as her stiff joints were moved.

Both the Princess and her surroundings were a mess. In a fit of rage and despair at herself, she had thrown her pillows and bedding onto the floor, and had even scattered the documents that she was supposed to read today.

Mascara streaked down her face, and her eyes were red and puffy.

She felt a little lighter inside now, having cried her heart out for a good portion of the day, but she still felt a small ache in the aforementioned organ.

Celestia slowly walked towards the balcony and lowered the sun, returning to her room as soon as the deed was done.

She then went to her bed and collapsed onto it in a manner that was not befitting of a Princess, but at this point, she didn't really care anymore about those things.

As she lay there, her exhaustion sank in, and she closed her eyes, becoming less conscious of the world.

She wished that things had never changed. Now there was with her a demon which wanted nothing more than for her to suffer, and it would be a miracle if her sister were to ever forgive her.

"Mother told me to forget about you. But I won't follow her orders. You are my sister after all. Family can't be forgotten about, and that was something that Mother herself taught me," Celestia spoke firmly.

Then she smiled at the sleeping girl, and said, "I think you should have a name. How about 'Luna '? After all, you do have a symbol of the Moon on your forehead… "

"Yes, your name will be Luna. I love you, Luna. I'll protect you from everything."

"This do I swear… I will be there."

Author's Note:

I spent most of the week working on a request and planning for another story...and on Wednesday, I realized I didn't even write half of the chapter. So I wrote some more of it in school, worked on that, added a bit here and there, and here is the fruit of my efforts.

I forgot to say this in the last chapter, but the line "Never forgive...Never forget..." is from the trailer of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), and I couldn't resist adding it in.

And the last line of this chapter, "This do I swear...I will be there..." is from The Count of Monte Cristo Musical, with the song being 'I will be there'.

I love musicals. They're great. Probably the result of watching MLP, which we all know has an abundance of songs. ...That's not necessarily a bad thing.

Anyway, I hope this chapter was to your liking, and don't forget, comment, share, follow, favorite/track, and everything else.

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