Part 18

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Eighteen

The Lunar Princess stood alone on the balcony as she lowered the moon to make way for the sun. She was delighted that her sister was still oblivious of her escape, even after two weeks, but she dared not to let herself feel too delighted nor too at ease, for she felt that if she let her guard down, even for a moment, she would find Celestia standing behind her, bearing a wicked grin upon her face as she dragged the girl back to Canterlot, more than ready to punish her in such a way that she wouldn't dare to even take a step without the permission of the Solar Princess.

Thus, she jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and laying a hand on her chest as if to control the beating of her heart which threatened to launch itself out of her chest from terror, turned her head to the side, only to find the King of the Crystal Empire standing behind her.

"Sombra," she gasped, "it is thou!"

"Why, yes, it is I. Who else would it be? ...I hope I didn't frighten you, " he added, noticing the paleness that had taken over her face.

Her breathing returned to normal, and there was no sign of her fear other than her hand which shook. "Next time, please don't sneak up on Us like that..."

He felt as though something was wrong. Luna only uses plural pronouns when she's feeling that good...

"Are you okay, Luna?"

There's no need to burden him with your problems.

" Of course We are! Why wouldn't We be okay?"

"Luna... You can tell me anything. There's no need to face your worries or fears alone. "

He's just saying that.

"We're fine," she insisted . Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the sun rising. A little later than usual, and not as smoothly as before, but it was still rising.

For some reason, she felt worried. Just looking at the sun made her feel sick.

"I- We feel tired," she stuttered . "We bid you pleasant dreams."

With that, she turned from his balcony to return to her room, as she only went to his one as there was a better view there, which she required to properly raise and lower the moon.

"Luna, wait-" he called after her in vain, but it was too late for she had already left.

Something is definitely wrong. I just need to find out what.

Luna returned to the room which had been given to her, and after closing the curtains, attempted to sleep.

But her efforts were in vain, as sleep would not come to her, or rather, she would not let it come.

Two weeks had passed. Surely, that was enough time for her sister to learn of her absence, but for some reason, she was still untouched.

It seems too perfect. How could she have not noticed? No, surely she is waiting for me to lower my guard...

This caused her to become slightly paranoid, jumping at the smallest sound, panicking if anyone touched her, and... avoiding sleep.

She would try to sleep, but then her fear of being attacked while in such a vulnerable state would take over her, and she would remain awake.

Sleep Luna... You're safe...

No matter how much she tried to convince herself, her efforts were only futile, so she just groaned and started counting imaginary sheep, which despite giving the opposite effect at first, soon tired her out and made her feel drowsy...

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