Part 30

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Thirty

Princess Luna looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress, which was white and ended just below her knees, and had sleeves made of net while she wore long gloves. King Sombra watches her walk down the stairs and when she finally reached him, it took everything within his power not to kiss her right then and there. No, he had to wait just a little longer...

He holds her soft hand in his as they walk through the aisle and the bridesmaids throw rose petals upon them. At last they were at the stage where they would put their rings upon each other's hands after saying their wedding vows.

"I swear to remain by your side through all hardships, through wealth and poverty, through good health and illness," says Sombra, putting the ring onto Luna's finger.

She does the same, and Radiant Hope, the ring bearer, announces, "You may now kiss the bride."

However, as he lifts up her veil to finally kiss those sweet lips which have been present in his mind all throughout the wedding, the doors of the formerly relaxation room, now wedding hall burst open, instantly drawing the guests attention as they all wondered who the newcomer was and why, if they were invited, they had chosen such an entrance.

A familiar figure, at least to the now newly married couple, enters, and smirks as malice shines in his blue eyes. He takes a moment to absentmindedly flick back a strand of brown hair, and then, focusing his gaze on the Lunar Princess herself, asks, "Hello Luna, did you miss me?"

The Crystal Guards tense as he strides through the aisle and towards the couple, not knowing whether they should stop him or leave him, but King Sombra raises his hand and they stand back.

"I suppose you forgot me, huh? I've been by your side for so many years and you didn't even bother to send me an invitation to your wedding. That really hurt, you know, " he says, and Luna gazes at him, and struggles not to show concern on her face as she notices that his face is heavily scarred.

"What happened to you? " she asks at last.

He chuckles darkly and bitterly replies, "What happened to me? What a very interesting question indeed... Well, your oh so beloved sister thought it'd be a good idea to torture me as a way of hurting you even more, so, here we are, Luna. "

"So," asks Sombra coldly, "why choose now of all times to come and guilt trip her?"

He laughs. "Have some sympathy, hm? You stole her heart and it's only because of you that she rejected me."

"Nonsense! She never felt any feelings for you! "

"Well then, let's fight it out. Whoever wins gets to keep Luna."

"Keep Luna? She's not some sort of object, and I no longer wish for you to disrupt my wedding. Either leave by yourself or I shall get my Guards to drag you out. "

"Seems like-" Shadowlance began, but the Crystal King clenched his fists.

"Guards," he shouts, having had enough, "take this man and throw him out of the Castle!"

The Guards step forward and begin to drag Shadowlance away, with the Vampire not resisting, but as soon as they pass the aisle, his eyes glow red and magic shoots out of his hands, instantly decapitating the Guards, whose limp bodies drop to the ground as the guests stare on in horror.

Sombra's eyes widened- he had not been expecting such a violent and gruesome attack from the former Guard, and especially not a magical one as he had never seen him use magic. He stands protectively in front of Luna as the former walks back to them, a huge grin on his face.

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