Part 29

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Twenty Nine

The dungeon was cold, Shadowlance observed as he hung from chains attached to the wall. He groaned in boredom. Celestia had dragged him to Canterlot and chucked him in the dungeon, where he had been staying for the last three hours or something. It felt like three hours but it could actually be less.

He heard footsteps and lifted his head up so he could see who was approaching him. It was none other than his imprisoner herself.

"Finally," he muttered .

The Solar Princess locked the cell door behind her after she entered, and looked at the former Guard.

A few minutes passed without anything happening, and Shadowlance groaned again. "If you're going to do anything, then hurry up and do it instead of staring at me, because I'm bored as hell. "

This made her chuckle and she walked closer to him. "You're bored, hm? Well then, let me give you something to do. I know that you are close to my sister, and I am going to use that fact to my advantage. Surely hurting you would hurt her, hm?"

The Vampire laughs. It's a hoarse one that doesn't sound quite right- not as if it's actually caused by something in which humour is found.

"You are terribly behind on things regarding her, Celestia," he spat. "We had a falling out."

Celestia merely grinned and cocked her head to the side. "You may have left on bad terms with her, but surely she would not forget you so easily. I know all about it. You confessed your love yet she rejected you. You left heartbroken while she felt guilty. If she sees you in this state and knows that it is indirectly caused by her, why, that would wound her deeply, would it not? "

A grin of malice formed on her face as her prisoner realised that she was correct in her theory, and he sighed. "So, you're just going to keep me here until you get her?"

"Yes, you'll stay here for quite a while. But fear not, I'll give you something to do. After all, I wish not for my prisoner to die of boredom. That would disrupt my plans of killing you in front of her. We'll just have a little session of fun, hm?"

His eyes narrowed. "And what sort of fun would that be?"

"I despise your race," she sneered. "Venting out my frustrations on you in the form of torture will be fun, indeed. " She snapped her fingers and the previously dark cell now had a bright light. She gestured to the wall. "There are many instruments here, in my torture cell. So many ways of hurting you that neither one of us would ever get bored. I want to see if it's possible to break a human's mind purely through torture..."

She levitated a cat o' nine tails over to her and showed it to him.

"Let's have some fun, hm? Just a little taste of what's to come..."

Shadowlance managed to not show his fear, but couldn't repress the shudder that ran down his spine.

"Fuck you... Sociopathic bitch..."

A few months pass and while Luna still feels the urge to cut, she manages to control herself and talks to Sombra instead.

He's captured her heart, and as she runs to Cafe Belle Vie despite the pouring rain that plasters her hair to her forehead, she cannot help but smile at the thought of seeing Sombra.

Yes, she should've used an umbrella spell like any other person would have done, but the rain actually didn't bother her that much.

Wiping her hair out of her eyes, she could see the Cafe lights come into view, and increased her pace. Nearly there...

A few minutes later, she reaches it and stands outside of the door for a few moments to catch her breath.

The Princess casts a drying spell over herself and then enters it.

Sombra waves to her and gazes at her fondly as she sits opposite him.

"You ran here without an umbrella spell?"

"How did you tell?"

" My dear may have dried yourself, to avoid my detection, but... " he suddenly taps her nose. "Your nose is cold and so is your face."

Luna giggles and accepts the latte Sombra offers her..

It's been ages since she's felt happy like this, and she loves the feeling of joy.

"So," he says, looking at Luna, who blushes and awkwardly tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I've been thinking about this for a while, pondering upon whether I truly wanted it..."

The King gets out of his seat and stands in front of Luna. "And I'm perfectly sure that this is the right decision."

He kneels in front of her and takes a small, black box out of his pocket.

Its contents are revealed to Luna as he opens it and takes one of her hands into his.

At that moment, the Cafe lights are turned off and string lights at the back reveal themselves in the form of the words, Marry Me.

And around the couple, string lights in the forms of stars and moons turn on.

"You''re serious?" she asks, her heart beating so fast she fears it would launch itself out of her chest.

" I'm serious. For the rest of our lives, I will be by your side. I'll open bottle caps that you can't open. I'll eat sour oranges that you don't want to eat. If you want less stairs in the Castle, I'll turn them into slides, and considering that I love stairs, it's a lot. But of course, I love you more than the stairs. If you want the Castle to be made of something else, like ice, I'll do it. If you want the Castle to be enchanted with a special glow, or the birds in the Empire to sing to you all day long, I'll do it. "

He takes a deep breath and looks into her eyes.

"Your presence alone brightens my day. I really, truly, love you."

"Princess Luna, will you marry me?"

Luna's smile grows bigger as she nods. "Yes, I will," she says , and he slips the silver ring onto her finger.

He then stands up and places his hands on her shoulders, smiling, and bows his head. She moves her face up, and their lips meet in a kiss.

Author's Note:

One chapter left...

The engagement part?

Watch from 39:20 to 42:00 to see it.

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