Epilogue (Bonus Chapter)

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Forbidden Love


Celestia knew something strange had occurred the second she felt her body under her own control again.

It was fun to tear you apart. Farewell.

Upon hearing Ineritus' voice, she grew concerned, and excusing herself, went as fast as she could to Luna's chamber to check if anything had happened to her.

Her ears picked up the sound of sobbing as she rounded the corner, and a masculine voice cursing. Her eyes widened, for was that not the voice of King Sombra?

"Damn you Celestia! Damn you!"

The Solar Monarch finally made her way to her sister's chamber, and her heart beat faster as she realised the door was open.

Taking a deep breath to mentally steel herself for whatever lay ahead, she ventured forth...and froze as her eyes fell upon Luna's form, blood still flowing out of her veins as a girl and the King of the Crystal Empire knelt before her in sorrow. Unconsciously, she began to stumble forward, hoping that she was mistaken.

The King turned around at the sound of footsteps, and his facial expression morphed into one of the utmost hatred.
"Celestia... " he growled, with his green eyes flashing red.

She gulped as he stepped closer, her body locking up as their eyes met. She detected numerous emotions in his - anger, pain, hatred, sorrow - and her throat clogged up as the reality of the situation set upon her.

"Luna's dead..." he whispered, before raising his voice, "All because of you! What sort of a human are you, to torture someone - your own fucking sister so badly, so much, and to break her mind until she couldn't bear it anymore?!"

A lone tear fell from her eyes, and she desperately wanted to explain that she wasn't the one who had done it, but now her voice was broken and she couldn't move.

"I'm...I'm sorry!" she gasped out at last. "It- it wasn't my fault- it wasn't me!"

She collapsed upon her knees as she broke down, the tears spilling out. "It- it wasn't me..." she whispered .

The King did not feel sympathy for her- what did she think, that she could pretend to feel guilt? No, he would get his revenge...

He stood behind the Solar Monarch, who flinched from the close proximity - she could feel his breath on her neck.

"You will pay..." he muttered, and she closed her eyes, hoping that it wouldn't be too harsh.

Just as a sword made of crystal materialised from the King's hand and was held against her neck, Hope says, "Behind you!"

Sombra looks up to see Ineritus, who bears a huge grin on his face. The Demon waves his hands and says, "Go on; don't let my presence bother you. I'm just here to watch the person whom I despise most meet her end."

The King's face merely contorts into such an expression of hatred, and his pupils become crimson yet again, with purple and green wisps of smoke forming around his eyes. "I will destroy both of you!" he declares , his voice twisted due to the effect of dark magic.

However, before he could do a single thing, Ineritus smirks and yells, magical energy gathering in his hands, "¡Te destierro al limbo!"

Sombra retaliates immediately, knowing exactly what that spell would do. "¡Desterrarte al futuro!"

Author's Note:

It's Saturday today. And I'd read over this plenty of times, checking if everything was fine...So I decided to just publish it.

To be honest, this wasn't even planned. Originally, I was just going to leave Chapter Thirty as the last chapter. But then I thought of making a sequel to this story, and wrote this chapter to make it make sense.

I hope you all enjoyed this, and don't forget to vote/like, comment, follow, favourite and share!

Fun fact: I never mentioned this, but this story was originally going to be a rewrite of The Luck In Our Stars.

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