Part 14

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Fourteen

"So, what do you think of having Japanese food?"

That would be 600 bits per person.

"Um... I don't prefer raw meat. It's uh, bad for the digestive system."

"Then how about French food?"

999 bits per person.

"Uh... Don't you think it's a bit cruel to eat snails?"

Sombra runs a hand through his hair. "Well, how about local dishes? Like, with the Empire's cuisine? I don't think you've tried it."

30 bits per person. That's as low as it can get.

"That sounds good. "

"There's a restaurant called Crystal Delight that makes really good homemade stuff. I'll send a Guard to reserve a place for us."

The walk there was mostly silent, and Luna did her best to appear happy and cheerful, despite her true feelings.

The Voice was also quiet, and the cool night air calmed her. She would love to be free like this all the time, able to enjoy fresh air and the beautiful glow of her stars that she had arranged.

But you wouldn't deserve it anyway.

The Lunar Princess shook her head as if that would somehow silence the Voice.

"Luna, are you okay?" asks Sombra in concern. His companion was smiling, but he could tell that she was hiding her true feelings behind that smile.

"I'm fine... It was just a fly in my ear," she quickly says.

"Luna... you don't have to hide how you feel."

"I-I'm not hiding anything..." she mumbled, caught off guard.

How can he tell?

Seeing that the Princess didn't want to talk about it, he let it go and they resumed their walk in silence, though his concern did not decrease.

Eventually they reached the restaurant and the door was opened by a guard. "Good evening, Your Majesty."

Sombra nodded and they reached their table, which was beside a window. "You...seem to have a liking for window seats," Luna remarked.

" The view is truly wonderful, " he said, smiling. "What about you? What do you prefer? "

"I also like window seats, " she said as the King pulled her chair out for her. "If I sat at a table in the middle of the room, I'd feel like everyone was staring at me and stuff like that."

"We seem to be more and more alike as the days pass... Seats in the centre of the room also make me uncomfortable."

She nods, and a waiter arrives with two menus, which he leaves on the table.

They both take one and look at the contents...

"Have you chosen anything?"

Luna shakes her head. "Everything seems interesting, and they're all...foreign dishes to me."

" In that case, I can just tell the waiter that we want a little of everything. "

"But...that's not an option on the menu..."

" I'm the King; they'll do it if I ask. "

The waiter comes with a notepad and pen. "Your Majesty, have you finished ordering?"

"Yes and no. My companion and I would like to try a little of everything as this is our first time here. All the items seem intriguing. That won't be a problem, will it?"

"We can arrange it if you wish," he says and Sombra nods. The waiter leaves.

The dinner had been uneventful, but Luna had enjoyed it, despite the Voice trying to bring her mood down once again.

They were now walking near the borders of the Empire.

The Lunar Princess sat down in the snow, not caring if it was undignified or not. "Luna, what are you doing?! You'll freeze and become a statue! "

"I'll be fine."

"No, you won't." He then takes his blazer off and puts it on Luna.

"But what about you?"

"This might be the coldest place in the Crystal Empire, but with you next to me, I'll be the warmest person alive, since you're so hot. "

Luna raises an eyebrow. "Where did that line come from?"

Sombra shrugs. " Nowhere. I made it right now."


" Yes? "


"Huh? " The King barely has time to blink before a snowball hits him in the face. "What the-"

He wipes the remaining snow off his face and looks at Luna who is laughing. "I did tell you to duck."

Sombra facepalms and then gathers snow in his hands and launches it at the Princess who nearly dodges it. "Hey! No fair! I gave you a warning..."

"But since it's a snowball fight, there aren't any -"

A snowball hits his mouth. He gets snow but Luna starts running. "Hey! Come back here!"

As the dawn approaches, they both return to the Castle to warm up.

The duo are a mess.

Luna shakes the snow out of her hair, and then walks forward, or rather, attempts to.

She walks back and sees that a strand of her hair has gotten stuck in Sombra's shirt button. Specifically, the top one.

She steps closer to him and leans against his chest, trying to pull it out, but with no success.

"Wait." Sombra realises what happened and puts his hand on the button and tries to free the hair, but he also finds no success. "Don't move," he says and then takes his tie off. He then pulls the top part of his shirt open, ripping the buttons off and freeing the hair.

As a result, that part of his chest is exposed.

Luna pokes it. "I think...this is the first time I've ever seen a part of your body other than your face uncovered."

Sombra blushes and closes that part. Luna grasps his hand and reopens it.

A sudden feeling comes over her and she traces the exposed part of his chest.

As she's a little shorter than him, she has to look up a bit, and the moonlight makes her lips shine.

Sombra suddenly starts breathing shakily, resisting the urge to touch her lips. But the charm of it was alluring and he cupped her cheek with his hand...

As their faces drew closer, he could feel the warmth radiating off her lips, and as she meets his gaze...

The distance between their lips closes...

Author's Note:

I'll say it again, I'm bad at describing kisses and stuff like that, and describing dates are even harder.

I seriously can't imagine ever going on one. Talking to people in real life is...awkward, and going on a date?

I'd probably have to pretend that something urgent came up and run.


Fun fact- My Girl also inspired parts of this chapter. Watch it using the link I gave in the previous chapter, and you'll understand what parts.

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