Part 9

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Nine

It matters not the situation,
One always needs a friend.
Even if that friend may be a demon.

Ah, Stygian. Was there a thing I could have done differently, perhaps to save you? Should we have used less magic, or have been more careful in our choice of spells, which we would spend hours reading to each other?

Perhaps we should have stayed away from the topic of summoning demons and making pacts; maybe we should have heeded Mother's words...

We used to see each other in secret, and were always careful.

But one small mistake, a slip of the hand, carelessness on my part, and our secret was learnt of.

My parents made sure I stayed in my tower and I was not allowed to leave unless it was for meals, and I was unable to even write a letter to you...

You hadn't any knowledge of the events that transpired, and you mistakenly assumed that I no longer desired to remain friends with you.

When is she coming? I glance around, wiping sweat off my upper lip as I do so, but there is no sign of her. late. For once, in the entire time we had been visiting each other in secret, she was late.

I could not go to her; her parents would surely lock me in a dungeon or banish me from Equestria.

So I was dependent on her for our visits. We would inform each other of the timing by letters which would be sent at a specific time, so none other than the intended recipient would read it.

I was not free; my parents were nobles, and it was only due to my magical talent that I had been allowed anywhere near the Princess at all.

I do not know why we were forced to break our friendship, all I know is that the Queen saw something in a dream, and she decided it was better to be 'safe than sorry'.

We would meet up at a cave, an abandoned place where no one else would go, and it would always be at midnight.

I remember our last day together, that is, when we did not have to hide. Celestia told me that she now had a younger sister named Luna, but she wasn't allowed anywhere near her.

Her mother would not bring her sister out of the Castle, nor anywhere in public sight. In fact, the only way she had found out was by accident.

"Mother, who is this? Is this my sister that you told me about? I thought you said she wasn't able to be born or something."

" This...was supposed to be your sister, but it seems like... it is somehow not. You know what, just forget about this. "

Celestia did not forget about her younger sister. Instead, she would visit her and be like...a sister, I guess.

On our last day, she told me that she couldn't find Luna (she decided to call her sister that).

We searched and found her in a concealed room at the top of the West Tower.

But there was an enchantment which stopped us from going past... Celestia sought my help in removing it, Naturally, I helped her.

We were crafting a spell together when suddenly we were separated.

But we weren't going to give up on each other so easily.

And that brings me to now, waiting alone in the rain. My vision is obscured by my wet hair. I sigh and begin walking back to my house.

It seems as though Celestia has given up on me. Was it too tiresome for her to continuously have to stick to a schedule?

Or did she no longer wish to see me? Was all this secrecy too much for her?

I climb in through a window which I magically open and sneak back to my room.

Maybe she just forgot?

No...that's not like her. Celestia never forgets.

...But no one is perfect. Perhaps she forgot the date. Perhaps she wasn't able to come.

I drop onto my bed and stare at the black sky.

That night, sleep evaded me. There was no use just lying around if nothing could come of it, so I stood up and pulled a random book out of the shelf opposite me.

Using magic to bring it to me, I put it in my lap and read the title.

Or rather, I tried to. It was written in a strange language,one which I had never heard of nor come across.

And I used to read books from the Royal Library and Archive...

I flip it over. There's nothing written on the back.

When did I even get this book? I never saw it before.

And as there's nothing written on the back, there's only one way I can find out what it's about...


​​​​​Princess Luna teleported into her room and was relieved to find it empty. This time she had arrived only five minutes from sunrise.

I should really pay attention to the time...

"Have sweet dreams, Luna," whispered Shadowlance as he crept out.

"I wish the same for you," smiled Luna.

Once the doors of her chambers shut, she clicked her fingers, changing her current clothes for her pyjamas, and hid her jeans and hoodie at the back of her wardrobe.

Then she stood on her balcony and lowered the moon, just in time for the sun to rise.

Shielding her eyes from the sun's light she went back to her bedroom, closing the balcony door, and her room's curtains.

She used a ball of light to guide her back to her bed, and as she climbed onto it, her gaze fell upon a calendar.

One date stood out to her. The 3rd of December.

She extinguished her light and threw herself under her covers, hoping to remove the sudden chill that had come over her.

That date was the date of her birthday. She wasn't sure if she could call it a 'birthday' anymore. It was more of a 'painday,' as Celestia would usually come and start hitting her...

Hopefully the day would pass quicker, and for once, I would be given peace on this particular day.

However, she could not ponder long on the matter as her eyelids grew heavy, and she was now in the realm of dreams.

Author's Note:

That quote at the beginning is from Obey Me!, in Nightmare, I think Chapter A?

Luna's early days seem like Belphegor's...except that her "crime" is that she has Lunar magic...

And in case it isn't clear, the italics are Celestia's thoughts, and the underlined italics are flashbacks of what happened to Stygian.

...Is this becoming a bit like Wuthering Heights? Maybe...

Also, if anyone's interested, I did a rough outline of the story, and there are about 13 chapters left. I'm not really sure, but that's a rough estimate.

Yep, I'm not leaving this incomplete for years! ♡

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