Part 2

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Two

Princess Luna looked around, making sure that no one was watching her and that her personal guard was nowhere to be seen before jumping off her balcony, using telekinesis to support her body and give her the ability to fly.

Sure, she could have used a carriage, but there were only two problems with that.

First of all, this was a secret thing she was doing, sneaking off to the Crystal Empire to see King Sombra, and thus she could not use a carriage as that would require guards.

She had no shortage of them, but she did not want her sister to find out. Celestia would most likely take measures to ensure that Luna remained in the Castle at all times, and the Lunar Princess definitely did not need that to happen.

And she feared that would only be if she was lucky. Celestia seemed like she was incapable of giving out harsh punishments, but Luna knew her sister.

As for the second reason... Where was the fun in using a carriage?

As she fell closer to the ground, the urge to let her body smash into it nearly overpowered her but she reminded herself that she had something to do.

Luna was aware that she had a time limit, and added more power into her spell so that she might fly faster.

As she left the borders of Equestria and began getting closer to the Crystal Empire, she shivered a little.

Upon landing, she ran into a few Crystal Guards, who questioned why she was here.

"We wish to see King Sombra."

She was then escorted to the Castle. Luna looked around as she walked and found the Empire to be a glorious sight.

This is beautiful...

She also noticed that unlike in Canterlot, there were people everywhere, some of whom greeted her.

She felt happy. Here she was not ignored...

Upon reaching the Castle, she was taken to the Throne Room and the guards left her.

Soon after that, the King made his appearance and smiled.

"Princess Luna," he kissed her hand. "It is quite a surprise to see you again, and so soon."

She blushed. Before, she had been just observing - feeling like someone of no real importance, but now, she had been the one to go to him... And now that she was directly looking at him, Luna had to admit that the King was handsome. No, scratch that. He was extremely handsome.

She felt butterflies rising in her stomach and greeted him, after which he had said, "So, milady, might I ask the reason for your visit? It is not that you are unwelcome or anything, merely that I am simply confused. "


"Oh yes, indeed," he cast a devilish smirk . "After all, a beautiful Princess whose beauty rivals that of any worldly being has come here, and to visit me, no less. I haven't been very good lately, have I? Oh, please don't punish me, beautiful Angel! Let your heavenly glow purify me, and make me the best of all!" He chuckled as Luna blushed. "But seriously, dramatics aside, I'm curious."

With how often We are blushing, We wouldn't be surprised if Our cheeks stayed permanently red.

"I- We, uh-" she stumbled over her words as her gaze was still lost in his emerald eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you? I'm the 'dramatic type,'" he made air quotes as he said that. "Why say things normally and bore people when adding a little drama makes them come back to life? Sure, the nobles here might not take me seriously, they even dare to question my rule, but the element of surprise is the best, right? so uh, basically I just like drama, " he ended his explanation, shrugging.

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