Part 27

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Twenty Seven

The atmosphere at breakfast was tense. Shadowlance, who sat opposite Luna, today in all his bed-headed glory was for once, downcast.

No jokes or laughter. He just kept his head down and sullenly ate his Cheerios.

The Lunar Princess observed this tentatively, not knowing what to do. He feels like that because of me...

The silence was broken by King Sombra, who said, "Well, I've got to start the Crystal Court now, so I'll be leaving."

Luna nodded, and after he left, put her spoon down, unwilling to remain at the table any longer.

"Luna," Shadowlance said urgently. She stopped just in front of the door and turned around, looking at him with her perfectly blank face. To him, her eyes, which were devoid of any emotion, seemed cold and distant. "I...I know that right now, I'm probably the last person you want to talk to, but-"

The Princess held up a hand, causing him to halt midway. "It was not thine fault. Thou were merely in the wrong place, at the wrong moment. Do not blame thineself for what was out of thine control."

The Vampire nodded, not believing it. "Do you resent me for the wound that I inadvertently caused you?"

" How can We blame or feel resentful towards one who is not at fault? "

"...Do you mean it?"

" Yes, of course We do. Now, what was it that thou wished to tell us? "

"If you don't hate me...Then, I'll get this off my chest."

He walked towards her, and went upon his knees, looking up towards her. "I love you, Luna. Perhaps, at first , you thought of it as a joke as my nature is one that makes people not take me seriously. But I really do mean it. I love you." He hesitated a little. " Do me? "

"If thou meant in a platonic manner, Our answer would have been in the affirmative. However, as thou clearly mean it in a romantic manner...No, Shadowlance, We have only seen thou as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. "

He got up immediately, staring into her eyes. "You love Sombra, don't you? I understand. After all, he's a King, rich, and I'm just a guard. He can give you a more luxurious life-"

"Love that is based on someone's wealth or good looks is not true. Money can run-"

"Don't give me a lecture on love," he shouts. " I've always tried to protect you from her, even at the cost of my life! I'm too simple minded for you, just because I don't use the complicated words that you do. I'm too unreserved in my speech, and-"

"Shadowlance -"

"No! Well then," he says, in a much calmer voice, "farewell... When I return, I will be rich, respected, and will have a love life of my own, taunting you with what you so blatantly refused."

As he storms out, the heartbroken expression on his face is one that Luna is sure will forever be engraved into her mind.

The doors open and Luna looks up. "Luna, I heard shouting. Is everything alright?" Sombra asks in concern.

She nods, letting her hair cast a veil over her face so he cannot see the lone tear that runs down her cheek. "We thought thou was going to start the Crystal Court."

"Indeed I was, but on the way, Shadowlance passed me. He seemed upset. Did the two of you fight?"

The Princess remains silent, merely staring at the ground.

"Luna...I won't make you tell me if you don't want to, but I hope you know I'll always be here to support you."

He's about to leave, but her words cause him to stop in his tracks.

"It's all Our fault. Shadowlance felt guilty because of the accident, and he revealed that he truly loved Us. Love is something that one cannot fake, and even though We art worthless - even though We do not deserve anything...Does every being not deserve the right to love someone because they do, not because they feel like they should? "

"You are not incorrect in that thought of yours, and neither are you worthless. Forget everything she made you believe...and resent yourself no more. Yes, he may be heartbroken , but if you had said yes just for the sake of making him happy, the relationship would not have been a healthy one. He would have loved you with all his heart, but you would not have reciprocated his feelings, and eventually, it would have only led to more heartbreak."

"So don't blame yourself," he continued . "How about this - I'll cancel the court for today and just go with you on a walk?"

She shook her head at this proposal. "No, that won't be necessary."

" Well, why don't you join me in the court? It's always good to have a second opinion... and the people here won't shun you like the Equestrians did. "

"But..." she hesitated. " Thou art the ruler of this land. It is not Our place to decide..."

He sighed. "I suppose your logic is not incorrect.. Why don't you paint? You once told me that was your hobby, and I'd love to see one of your paintings."

She nodded. "Okay."

Luna looked at her painting. It was the very balcony that she had seen for most of her life- the one attached to her room in the Canterlot Castle.

A figure stood before it, shrouded in darkness, and the moon seemed not to be present in the sky, from which the absence of the stars were noticeable.

No, it would not be appropriate to show him this painting. What would We say when he asks what it is about...?

However, just as she was about to move it and start over, the door opened and Sombra entered. "Court was exhausting - a couple came in and started arguing... but I'm sure that seeing what you have created will restore my energy in an instant. Are you done?"

" Yes, " she said, for there would be no use in pretending she hadn't finished it, when it lay there. "Thou may see it."

He walked over to the balcony and looked at it. "I must say, you are a very talented artist, and this painting is beautiful. Might I ask what inspired it?"

Luna turned her gaze to him as she carefully thought over her next words. "Something We've often thought about ," she whispered .

Author's Note:

Originally, that argument would've taken place after Shadowlance would've proposed to Luna, and on the way to Equestria, he would've been captured by Celestia/Ineritus...

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