Part 21

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Twenty One

The Lunar Princess groans as she awakens, and naturally, tries to get up, only to find herself restricted by something.

Were it not for the fact that her head was pounding due to the after effects of the alcohol she had drank the previous night, she would have panicked. So instead of blindly punching at whatever was holding her down, she looks and perceives that she's in the middle of Shadowlance and Sombra, who both have their arms wrapped around her...

The speed of her heart beat increases, and she doesn't know what to think or do.

Should I push them away from me? No, that would be rude. ...How did we end up like this anyway?

Shadowlance turns his head and opens his eyes, the gaze of which meets that of the Princess' immediately.

He stares at her for a few moments before blushing at the realisation that his hands are around her body, and immediately retracts them.

"...Sorry," he says ashamedly. "Uh...I..."

He sits up and clutches his head. "How much did I drink...?"

After a little more sleep, they all freshen up and ignore the ever present headache.

"I'm never drinking again," says Sombra .

"Why'd you suggest going to drink then?"

" What do you think?! "

Luna groans. "Please don't fight..."

Silence follows this statement.

"Well...What should we do now?" asks Shadowlance .

"Sleep?" suggests Sombra.

"Sure," mumbles Luna.

Being trapped within your own head. Unable to control your body. Your own actions.

Celestia hated it. She was powerless to stop Him- all she could do was watch and wait as he slowly destroyed the things she cared about.

As he planned...

Sometimes, he'd put her in control, specifically when dealing with the nobles - "So I don't end up killing any of those bastards, not that I care, but I don't want my fun to be stopped too soon"- but even then she couldn't do anything against him.

An attempt to find a way to defeat him? A small electric shock would stop her.

Writing a letter explaining everything to Luna so she could just pass it under her door and be forgiven? Not even in her wildest dreams.

Speaking of Luna, I haven't seen her in quite a while. I haven't even passed her in the hallways, though I have been frequenting them at night... I hope she's alright... Perhaps I should check on her? No, the sight of me would distress her incredibly... Sending a maid would be just as efficient...

Ineritus didn't seem to object to this, so she walked forward, called a maid and ordered her to check on the Lunar Princess but not make her presence obvious. In other words, she was not to reveal herself- secretly check.

The Solar Princess was pacing when the maid returned, with worry written all over her face.

"Whatever is the matter?" asked the monarch, concerned upon seeing this.

"Your Majesty...The Lunar not in her chambers," reported the maid hesitantly.

Unsure if she had heard correctly, Celestia gripped the back of a chair tightly. "What? Are you sure she is not in there?"

"Her Highness is nowhere in the Castle."

"Surely you cannot be telling the truth..." she muttered.

"Your Majesty, I have no reason to lie. And if this is not enough reassurance for you, you can check her chambers yourself."

Scarcely had she finished talking when the Princess rushed forth, on her way to her sister's room...

"No! This cannot be possible! How...When..."

Celestia looked around the room, which if one were to look carefully, had a few things missing. The wardrobe lacked the royal dress, which was to be worn in public, from the dressing table was taken a bracelet which bore a design of the moon, and so on.

"She must have at least left a note..."

Muttering this to herself, she began to search the desk, and pulled open the third drawer, which was usually where Luna would leave letters. There was no letter here, but in its place, a rose, and curiosity shining in her eyes amidst the tears that threatened to roll from them, she picked it up, sat upon the chair and began to examine it.

The rose was crimson in colour, and with it was a strand of light blue hair which she knew to be that of her sister. It was a little faded, but there was some magic, she could tell, that was keeping it alive.

There seemed to be nothing else, but wait- her eyes caught a ribbon attached to it. The ribbon was the same colour as the flower to which it was attached, and she swore she could see some sort of silver writing inscribed in it.


"Sombra?" she asked aloud. "Why is his name here? Was he then, the giver of this flower? No, that would be impossible... They only met once- in the throne room, on that day. Unless she has been sneaking out to see him... But... A rose... He kissed her hand..."

His voice was deep and smooth. "Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. I apologise for the delay in my arrival. I promise I had not forgotten about the time of the meeting. I had simply lost track of time while admiring the beauty of the Night sky."

He then took Luna's hand in his and bestowed upon it a kiss, after which he bowed to Celestia.

His hand then glowed with a crimson aura and he levitated a bouquet of flowers to the Lunar Princess. "For you, Princess Luna."

"He flirted with her... Are they then, in love? So she has fled to have her life and relationship in peace..."

She set it back in its place, closing the draw and standing up, ready to leave.

"I shan't go after her, for if I do, I shall not be able to stop Him from ruining her peace and happiness."

With that, she closed the door and retired to her chambers. However, she had forgotten one vital thing, or rather, person when deciding this.

You might not want to go after her, but I will.

Author's Note:

Thank Majestic Donut for helping me- she gave me an idea which !made this chapter possible.

Yep, I definitely need to update the description. And I'll have to think of a way to make the story fit the title as well.

Comments are appreciated!

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