Part 16

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Sixteen

I grinned as I found the way to the rooms of those whom I had sought, after threatening a panicking guard.

Today, I will have my revenge. I will have vengeance...I will have salvation...

Kicking open the door, I smirked as I watched their expressions change into ones of fear.

"Hello again... False rulers. Long time no see."

"Fiend! What are you doing here?! We specifically made sure to make it impossible for demons like you to enter the human world! " yelled the male.

"Hahaha... You're nothing but a fool. Your spell was so weak... It can only recognize demons in their natural form, right? "

"What are you implying?" asked the female , narrowing her eyes.

"None of your business," I shrugged. " Anyway, I'm not here to have a nice chat with you. Come with me peacefully and I might have some mercy on you, or struggle and fight, but remember that if you choose the second option, I'll have no mercy, " I stated as I strode into the room.

Choosing not to heed my warning, the filthy bastards cast spell after spell at me, each desperately trying to protect the other.

Of course they had hardly any effect on me, and soon I grew bored and sighed. "Looks like I'll have more fun, I guess... "

The knots were tied; my instruments ready, yet now I waited, ignoring their desperate pleas and offers as they finally realised that they were at my mercy, and their guards, under my control.

I would have gagged them already, but I would love to hear their screams. And besides, the exchange that would soon take place between them and their daughter would be amusing.

Yes, that was who I waited for. Why should I merely torture and kill them, when I could make their descendant feel pain, and then live with that pain?

The Castle doors opened no sooner than I had thought that, and two guards came in, holding between them a resisting Princess.

But even though they felt the pain of the blows she inflicted upon them, they would not let go because I had not told them to.

Soon enough they reached me, and knelt, bowing their heads. I nodded and they dropped the girl, who sprang to her feet, and rushed towards me in a rage.

I chuckled as I caught her hand, ready to punch me, and twisted it, causing her to gasp in pain and step back.

"It wouldn't be very wise of you to try and attack me, human, especially when none other than your accursed parents are at my mercy."

She followed my gaze which was fixed upon the ones I had bound, and in an instant she forgot her pain and rushed to them instead.

"M-mother? F-father? He hasn't done anything to you, has he?"

"Fear not, my daughter, for if he had done so, I would have given him a worse wound."

I laughed. "Pathetic. You couldn't even do a thing to me, and now you pretend that you have power over me?" I shook my head. "That's another reason why I despise humans. They always tell lies, and never learn from punishments. But enough chit-chat. Guards, restrain the girl but make sure she can both see and hear what I shall do."

Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now