Part 8

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Eight

Princess Celestia frowned as she tried to pronounce the words of a long dead spell. It was an ancient one and had been created long before the birth of her great grandad. That, she was able to tell by reading the date on it.

At last she succeeded, and spoke it aloud. The air shimmered with a magical energy, as did both of her hands, and when she opened her eyes again, she smiled.

It had worked.

"But I've just gotta go to the bathroom! Come on, ya can't be so cruel as to keep me from that!"

"But we've got a couple more places to tour! And we're almost at the place where we'll finally find that gem! " replies Sombra in the same tone as Shadowlance.

"Couldn't you have chosen a better and more convenient time to find that gem?" whines the Vampire.

"Hey, Mr I'ma Get Sixty Nine Cups'a Coffee Cause I Love Sixty Nine, it's not my fault that my gem finding senses went off now."

"Fucking inconvenient..."

"Dear Shadowlance, please do stop swearing. I wonder, was it the coffee that's caused you to swear so much? " Luna says.

"Nah, when someone's desperate to go to the bathroom and someone else isn't letting them, and that someone doesn't even know where the bathroom is and no one else is telling them, you can't expect them to be on Cloud Nine about it."

"Look, I'm telling you that it'll only take a few seconds for me to find these gems!"

"Can't ya just magic one up?"

"If everything in the world could be simply magicked up, then there would be no need for people to have jobs. Gems, crystals, pearls, emeralds, gold and silver are among the list of the many things that cannot be magicked up."

"Well, is it possible for you to magic up a bathroom, then?"

" ...Nope. Those need to be built. "

"Ah, Tartarus! What did I even do to deserve this?!"

" It's called fate. That's what happens if you order too much of something. " Luna states. Sombra chuckles.

"According to my senses, the gems should be here. Shadowlance, Luna, would you two like to accompany me into this cave?"

" If it means I can pee sooner, then sure, I'm coming with you."


Luna looks at the cave. It's not really that big...

Sombra notices her hesitation. "Don't worry, it's not big enough that we'll get lost in it. I've been here before. It's got the width of a quarter of the size of the corridor in my castle, but it's long. "


"You don't have to come if you don't want to. I wouldn't want to put you out of your comfort zone. It would be unforgivable, to put such a beautiful Angel as you through any kind of torment."

"I... don't worry, I'll be fine... I think. I'm sure it won't be as bad as I think it is."

"If you say so..."

" Don't worry Luna, I'll protect you from anything that tries to harm you," says Shadowlance as he grasps Luna's hand.

"Perhaps, I should protect her as well, just to be safe," Sombra says, narrowing his eyes.

Shadowlance also narrows his eyes. "Are you trying to say that my protection won't be enough?"

"There's no need to get defensive. I am merely saying that Luna would be safer with me."

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