Part 4

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Four

The Princess of the Night tossed and turned in her sleep as nightmares of Celestia plagued her dreams.

"Come now, Luna," Celestia called with a voice as sweet as honey. "I'll show you how to do it properly."

Luna wasn't fooled by this. She ran further into the forest, not caring where she was going. All she wanted to do was get away from Celestia who was holding a large knife with a sadistic grin on her face.

She ran until her legs gave out, and looked behind her only to see her pursuer there. She tried to get up but her legs ached too much.

She pushed herself up, ignoring the protests of her legs and turned to run...but there was nowhere to run. It was a dead end.

"Luna~ Did you really think you could escape from me?"

The Lunar Princess jolted awake in bed, sweating and shaking.

She looked around in a panic, only to let out a sigh of relief once she had done so. She was still in her bedroom.

It was only a dream...Calm down Luna.

She took a few deep breaths.

Having no desire to go back to sleep and have more nightmares, she sat up and began to wonder...

Where did it all go wrong? When we were children, Celestia...wasn't like this.

No... she still treated me nicely, even after our parent's deaths.... It was only after a few months of ruling that she became like this, sometime after we had banished Stygian, or the man of shadows, as he was called, if I remember correctly...

And then she became bitter towards Us, abhorring Us and doing all...this.

What changed?

The change in behaviour towards Us wasn't sudden... It happened gradually, with her slowly treating Us worse....

I'm sure that something must have happened for our relationship to change... But what?B

That question haunted her, even as her eyelids grew heavier and she unwillingly drifted back to sleep.

Princess Celestia was not in the throne room, doing Day Court. No, rather she was in her room, pacing as her mind replayed the...event that had occurred in Luna's room.

No...I'm losing control. I can't afford to, and yet I am. That beast will take over me completely unless I find a cure.

How could I have done that to Luna? How could I have... She grimaced as an unpleasant thought struck her. If this is what I'm like now... who knows what I'll do in the future, when this beast has full control over me? It would be better if I stayed away from her... And probably everyone else as well until I manage to successfully get rid of it. But I can't just disappear off of the face of Equestria suddenly, and without an explanation.

And there's also the fact that it made me spread lies about Luna. The citizens of Equestria will never accept her as a complete ruler, even if it will only be for a short time.

But it could also take months, even years...

I've been searching for a way to rid myself of its presence in my head, and I have been trying to do so for years, but so far, nothing has worked.

If only I had been more careful on that day, then perhaps this wouldn't have happened.

She gazed out of the window.

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