Part Seven

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Seven

"You could always apply to become my guard, you know."

The duo spin around to see none other than King Sombra.

"It is pleasant to see you again, Luna. I'd almost thought you'd forgotten. And who is your companion? "

"Me? Forget? Never. And this is Shadowlance, my personal guard and friend."

Shadowlance bowed. "I hope you are doing well, Your Majesty."

"There's no need to be so formal. Any friend of Luna is also my friend."

"Wow, we're that close?"

"Of course we are. Even though we have only known each other for a night, we have a lot of things in common." Sombra turned towards Shadowlance. "So, how did your friendship with Luna begin? Were you two already friends, or…? "

"It actually started after I was assigned as her personal guard, " said the Vampire. "We've been friends for about four to five years now. " Shadowlance turns to Luna. "We've been friends for so long, and you didn't even mention my name once! I'm so hurt… "

"Shadowlance…" Luna couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Would you like a tour of the Empire, Shadowlance? And this time we'll begin with my castle," Sombra winked at Luna as he said the last part.

"And this right here is my latest invention. Well, it's more of an experiment, merely a way for long distance communication. I came up with it recently, and it's almost done. I just need to find the right type of crystals to hold the magic which will power these books, and then we'll move straight on to testing. Would you like to help me test it, Luna? "

"I'd be happy to," Luna smiled.

"You really are an angel, " says Sombra as he wraps an arm around Luna.

Shadowlance does his best to hide his reaction. That's my Luna.

"Now that we're done with touring the castle, who would like to come to my bedroom?"

" S-sombra… " Luna blushes and Shadowlance rolls his eyes.

"I think you're being a bit too suggestive there, mate, " he almost growls. Why am I feeling this way?

"You're one to talk, what with how suggestive you yourself were being, just a few days ago. "

"Luna… That was just a little friendly teasing."

"And this isn't?"

Before the two could have a debating competition, Sombra raises both hands in surrender. "Relax guys, I was just joking. Let's go to Belle Vie, shall we?"

"Belle V- what?" Shadowlance asks, struggling to pronounce the name.

"Belle Vie. It's a café. My favourite one, if I'm to be honest."

" Heh, I knew you'd like it, " says the King.

"How were you able to tell?" the Vampire questions.

"It's pretty easy. Everyone loves this café."

"I should've guessed. But seriously, this café is great. I can see why it's your favourite. I'll be back in a second."

"I suppose you're getting another coffee?" Luna asks.

"Hey, don't laugh! What can I do if their stuff is this good?"

Once Shadowlance was back at the counter for the tenth time, Sombra turns to Luna.

"Are you okay?"

" Yeah… it's just that since I don't talk to people that often, I rarely think of things to say. You and Shadowlance are literally the only people whom I talk to… other than her when she strikes up a conversation with m e, which is more of a one sided one, with her mostly doing her best to bring me down."

"She hasn't done anything to you recently, has she? If she hurts you…"

Luna hesitates a little before answering, "...N-no." I can't let him know. He'll try to help me...and she would hurt him.

The King looks at her with some concern, but otherwise says nothing. For some reason, I feel as if Luna is hiding something from me, but pressing the matter when it makes her uncomfortable would not help.

Shadowlance returns with a tray which has more mugs of coffee than can be counted, and sets it down on the table. He then wipes sweat off his barely visible moustache, and sighs before falling into his seat.

"..." For once, Sombra is at a loss of words to say.

"...Do I even want to know what happened?" Luna asks after a few seconds of watching Shadowlance continue to wipe sweat off his face, rub both his arms, and sip a few mugs of coffee. Well, gulp down would be more accurate as one cannot merely sip two to three drinks in the span of a few seconds.

"Trust me, you definitely don't want to know." The Vampire throws the rest of the coffee from the mug that he is currently holding down his throat and then looks at Sombra and Luna seriously. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself. "...But I'll tell you anyway, because this story is one that's just gotta be heard! So, I just went to the counter and asked the lady for another mug of coffee, and she was like another one?! And I was like yeah, of course, 'cause these stuff are flippin' awesome! And she was all like, ya know, if ya like it that much, then why don'cha get yourself a couple of them, and that's what happened. "

"So that's why you've got a tray full of sixty nine cups of coffee?" the King inquired.

" W-well, she did tell me to get as many cups as I wanted, and sixty nine is a good number… " Shadowlance blushes as he answers. "What? It's my favourite number."

"What shall we ever do with you, Shadowlance?" Luna says in a tired tone.

"I think you meant to ask what we should do with all this coffee…" Sombra chuckles.

"Oh, that's easy. We'll just drink all of it. Simple ~" Shadowlance grins.

"Actually, I have a better idea," smirks Luna.

"Let me guess, we're going to make Shadowlance drink all the coffee," guesses Sombra.

"You read my mind! Indeed, that was my idea!"

"Uh, are you sure that I should drink all of it?" Shadowlance asks hesitantly.

"Why, I thought you loved it," says Sombra.

Luna joins in. "Yes, you love it so much that you specifically ordered sixty nine coffees."

"And here I thought that you would never be able to have such a dirty mind, " sighs Shadowlance.

"Are you saying that you think I'm too innocent to think such thoughts? "

"Well, don't blame me. After all, remember the first time I swore in front of you, and you were always saying what the fish instead of what the fuck. "

"Don't blame me- I hadn't even heard anyone use that word so casually!"

"I suppose I am rather curious to hear about that. It sounds rather intriguing," comments Sombra.

" Oh, I'll tell you all about it. "

"You better drink your sixty nine mugs of coffee while doing so."

"Ah fuck," swears Shadowlance. A silence follows. "....What even made me choose that many?"

Author's Note:

That part with Shadowlance saying that 69 is his favorite number? It was inspired when one of my classmates randomly said that 100(I can't really remember what number he said but I think it was this) was his favorite number.

Looks like the love triangle has begun!

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