Part 20

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Forbidden Love

Chapter Twenty

A few minutes after the seer had departed, the throne room's doors burst open and Shadowlance strolled in, bearing a huge grin on his face, which, if one were to look carefully, seemed a little forced.

"I'm back!" he announced while the guards closed the doors. "...What happened?" he asked upon seeing that Sombra was hugging Luna who was crying into his chest.

The King looked up. "The 'legendary' fortune teller of the Crystal Empire came to visit us today, and offered to predict Luna's future, which he was allowed to do. Needless to stay, it didn't turn out well..."

Shadowlance winced after hearing this. "And what was his name?"

"He didn't reveal it..."

" Oh... " After a few moments, he said, "I heard his name was Grandes Bolas. A pretty unfortunate name if you ask me."

"Really?" This question came from Luna, who lifted her head up a little.

"Luna, dearest, don't you know what it means?" She shook her head. Shadowlance strode over to her, put his head next to her ear as if to whisper, yet he said it in a normal tone, "It means...huge testicles!"

Upon getting no reaction, he sighed. "Well, it means big balls, but that and huge testicles are the same thing."

"That's a Spanish name, isn't it? Wasn't he Italian?" asked Sombra.

"I-uh...How would I know?!"

"So, what were thou doing in the week that thou were gone? " Luna asked.

"Me? " Shadowlance immediately began sweating. "Uh... what was I doing?"

" You can't remember what you were doing? " Sombra smirked. "That's another reason why you should accept me as your true love, Luna. "

The Vampire scowled. "Ah, I remember now! I was f-" What should I say? I can't let them know that I was practising fortune telling!

"You know, We think that seer sounded similar to thou. He looked similar to thou as well."

"Luna -"

"It's also pretty suspicious how he said that he definitely didn't know us. So, what were thou doing, Shadowlance?"

He sighed, raising his hands up in surrender. "Fine, you caught me. I was originally going to find myself a job since you know what happened to my old one, and then I'd come back in a week with millions of bits, enough for us to swim in! And then I'd buy us a huge mansion so we could finally move out of this castle, a-"

" Might I have the pleasure of knowing what exactly is so bad about my castle?"

"Duh, isn't it obvious? You've got way too many hallways that look the same! It's so easy to get lost... and everything is made out of crystals. The ceiling, the bed, the chairs, the glasses- I bet that the water is even made out of crystals, but edible ones of course that have been melted."

"I could go on forever about it, but I've got a story to tell. So, back to where I was. So yeah, I was job hunting, but none of the places accepted me. I couldn't even get a job as a waiter! It's probably because I'm way too awesome. And then I saw this huge sign that said 'tell your future today ' or something like that. It was an advertisement for a fortune teller job, and Luna, you know I've always been interested in that. So I went, spent a few days training, and since you've been worrying so much, I thought I'd come here all disguised and tell your future that should've been perfect! But no, it just couldn't turn out perfect, could it?"

He sighed again. "But don't think about it too much. In fact, 99% of the time, fortune tellers are incorrect, and anyways, we're all mortal. Even if someone has angel blood in their veins, only God knows the future."

This reassurance did nothing to ease the Princess' mind, and Sombra stood up. "You know what, let's get some fresh air. Luna, you're eighteen now, right?" She nodded. "According to the Crystal Empire's laws, you're officially old enough to drink..."

"To be honest, that sounds like something Shadowlance would suggest."

"Should I take that as a compliment or an insult...?" the King murmured with a smile.

"Take it as both, if you wish," she replied, winking.

"Alright, enough waiting. I know a good bar here that we can all go to," offers Shadowlance.

"I know a better one."

"What?! How can-"

"Let's not fight. How about we go to both?" suggests Luna, to which both agreed.

At the bar, an hour later...

"Come on Sombra, just drink a little," drunkenly urges Luna.

"Yes, yes, more!" enthusiastically shouts Shadowlance, pushing the bottle towards the King.

"Do you really think it would be wise for the only ruler of the Crystal Empire to get himself drunk?"

" And what, it's fine for the only raiser of the moon to get herself drunk? "

"Are you scared...? I never thought the oh so mighty and powerful only ruler of the Crystal Empire would be scared of a little alcohol! Drink...drink...drink!"

Sombra scowls, before taking the bottle. "I'll show you who's scared..."

A few hours later, the trio returned from their night of drinking, as far from sobriety as possible but still able to stand.

Well, seeing as they were drunk, it would be more accurate to say that they staggered back to the Castle. Sombra would've used a spell so he wouldn't be seen in such a state, but it was highly advised against to cast teleportation spells while drunk because it could go wrong...

But fortunately, as it was nearing sunrise, the streets were empty and they didn't meet a soul on their way back. In short, it was without any misfortunate incidents.

Once they had entered the Castle, they went to the 'relaxing' room, a room full of soft cushions, sofas and drinks so it could do its purpose.

Shadowlance collapsed on a sofa and fell asleep instantly, while his companions did the same...

Author's Note:

Unwilling to give an incorrect description of a bar, I just skipped to the part where they'd be leaving.

...Does this look better than I think it does? Let me know in the comments, and by liking/voting.

Ideas would be appreciated...

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