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Making sure to have your phone in your hand and your journal with the pen in your other, you go over to the door. Fully expecting to be met with the tall ghoul outside your room, you're let down to see that he is not there.

"I was only in the room for like not even five minutes...where the hell did this guy go? he said he would wait for me, no?"  You thought to yourself, a little confused.

Not really counting it as a loss, as you know the basement paths like the back of your hand, you start your trek back up the stairs to Copia's office.

You made it about halfway there before turning the corner and bumping straight into him. "Oh, Copia, I was just coming to look for you. I need to tell you something."

"Oh I know Seestor just told me! I'm so excited, you finally get to be a part of everything rather than working in the shadows! I cannot wait to tell the ghouls, come come they're waiting in the practice room!" Not even managing to fully process what he has just said before he began to drag you along with him back down the basement stairs to the practice room.

Five Minutes Later :

Copia could not stop giggling as you were walking down the stairs, you honestly would have thought he was going mental had you not known him your entire life.

"Ohhh I just can't wait to officially work with you, it's going to be so much fun!"

"Copia, if you do not start walking faster, we will both be dead from old age before we even get to the band room." You deadpanned, attempting to get him to quicken up his turtle paced walk.

"Right right right, hurry along cara mia, lets go lets go!" Finally walking faster in hurried and excited steps. Laughing but still complying with the request, you quicken your pace to try and match Copia's.

Another Five Minutes Later :

At long last, you and Copia arrive at the door to the band room. As you're about to push the door open and walk in, Copia turns to you and tells you to wait.

"Wait wait wait, sneak in after me and stand in the back corner. I'll signal you to come out after I drop the news." Both of you chuckling, thinking back to when you had first met the original band members the same way. It had become a sort of tradition between the two of you to meet the new members in that particular way.

After you nod, he headed into the room. You heard questions and mummering as to why those inside were summoned to gather. Seeing this as the perfect time to sneak in while they're all distracted, you go and take the chance.

The door was at the back of the room, meaning everyone but Copia was facing away and had their backs to you. So all you had to do was open it quietly and not make a sound when you went to sit in the chair in the back corner. All of which you did successfully, quiet as a mouse.

"I know you are all wondering as to why I called you to this last minute meeting." Small mummers of agreement were heard throughout the room as Copia continued on whilst smiling. "Well that would be for one reason, a big reason at that." This peaking the other eight ghouls' interests, and one of them being none other than the tall mystery name ghoul you had met earlier.

Standing up silently, you begin to slowly walk to the front of the room to try and give Copia enough time to finish his small speech. "Someone who I hold dear, and have known since forever has finally come back. And she is going to be taking over the role of being the band's official manager."

Making it to the front of the room and standing next to Copia, you could feel the stares from the others who were seated on the couches and chairs around the coffee table in the lounging area. "Everyone meet Nessa, as I said she will be the new manager. So if you have any questions please don't be afraid to go to her about them."

Giving a small wave, you continued off of what Pea said. "Hey, I'm Loynessa it's nice to finally meet all of you." It was completely silent, no one had said anything. You can only assume the reason for that was that they were shocked to have a new member join the band. I mean it's not like you're going to be playing with them or anything, you're just managing the tours and whatnot.

Suddenly, a shorter ghoul hopped up, whom of which yelled in realization. "OH MY SATANS IT'S HER!" No one was really with the ghoul in his realization, so he explained. "LOYNESSA? ONE OF THE ORIGINAL FIFTY GHOULS TO BE SUMMONED FROM HELL? Guys catch up, honestly-"

At that you let out a hearty laugh. All the doubt in your mind disappearing, yeah you were going to fit right in with them.


A/N - Not me having five fully edited and finished chapters just sitting in my draft, but forgetting to publish them- I am so sorry😅 I will be trying to update twice a week, probably Tuesday and Thursday. If not twice a week, I'm hoping that I can get at least one chapter out, if I had to say it would most likely be Wednesday. I will be uploading three finished chapters today, that I know of, I might publish more if I end up writing more. But I hope you're all enjoying, remember to vote and comment to help support! <3

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