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Humming along with the song that soon came to an end, you heard knocking on the door. Well, less like knocking and more like banging. Peeking to look out of the bathroom door, you see Mountain still asleep on the bed. You had woken up about an hour ago, and slowly started getting ready to go to the stadium for sound check and set up before the performance tomorrow.

Looking back over to the door, you fully step out of the bathroom so you can greet the person on the other side.

Cracking it open enough to see out of it, you're met with an impatient looking Swiss paired with a calm Rain stood behind him.

"Oh great, you guys aren't fucking, thank satan-"

Giving him a deadpan look, not that he'd be able to see it, Rain spoke up from behind him. "We came to tell you guys we're leaving for the stadium in fifteen."

Coming out of your small stage of shock, you reply. "Okay, thank you. We'll be ready by then."

Receiving nods from the two ghouls, both of which were in their human forms, as they walked off back down the hallway.

After shutting the door, you made your way over towards the bed to wake up the still sleeping ghoul.

Speaking in a soft voice you try easing him awake. "Mountain, you gotta get up. We're leaving soon." Which in turn did absolutely nothing, so you decide to take a different approach. "Bubs, get up, or I'm making you sleep on your side tonight-"

"I'm up, I'm up!"

Chuckling at the fact that it actually worked, you go to stand in front of the sleepy looking Earth ghoul. Placing yourself in between his legs, so that his face meets with the height of your neck.

"That was quick wasn't it?" A small smile forming on your face as you slightly look down at him on the bed.

Pulling you towards him and stuffing his face into the crook of your neck, he mumbles a reply. "You were threatening my cuddles, I didn't have a choice."

The small smile on your face soon turned into a bigger one as he finished speaking. "I couldn't wake you, and we leave soon. Had to do something to get you up."

"Mmm, what time are we leaving?"

Cringing at the knowledge you're about to share, you push it out. "In like ten minutes."

"Wha-? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Standing up to match you, the tall ghoul started gathering his clothing to change into. Speaking as he walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open to hear you as you took a seat on the bed.

Picking up the phone on the bedside table to check the time, seeing it as 7:47. "I didn't know we were leaving so soon, I thought we'd have another hour or so. Rain and Swiss just came by and told me."

Hearing a groan from him in response as he got into the shower and turned the water on. Getting up and walking back into the bathroom, unpausing the music to let it play for a bit, you resume doing your hair.

"Are you gonna be okay performing without Sunny or Aether?" You quiz out wanting to know how their lack of presence will affect the ghoul currently showering.

Hearing a small sigh come from the other side of the curtain, you know it's affecting him but he's just not saying anything on the matter. "I know I don't really interact with them much when they're doing whatever on stage, but it's just gonna feel different. Not a bad different, it's just a bit odd not having them here you know?"

Nodding along, even though the other being in the room is unable to see you. "Yeah, I get that. It's quite similar to when the band would retire members and switch with the Papa's. Not that they're leaving or anything, I just don't really see why Sister had to send them off to do whatever."

"Who knows, Angel, who knows." It was silent for a beat before he spoke again. "Knowing Sister though, it had to have been something she thought they would handle best."

Humming back in acknowledgement, it was then quiet for the next nine minutes. The only things being able to be heard were the faint sounds of the music playing out of your phone and the water being splashed around in the shower.

Finishing up, you start packing your makeup and skin care products away into your travel bag. Faintly hearing the water stop, you take that as your que to dip out of the room and back into the main one. As you were picking up your bag and phone to leave, you failed to notice the shower curtain opening; revealing the tall Earth ghoul in the mirror. Turning around only to find him standing less than a foot away from you.


Noticing the blush that started tinting your face, the larger of the pair had a smirk plastered on his mouth. As much as you reveled in the sight, it only made you blush even harder.

"Someone's a little shy, no?" Moving to bend down to your height, his mouth met the edge of your ear. "As much as I would love to dive more into whatever this is, we wouldn't want to be late now would we?"

Not being able to form words at the moment, you nod your head to signal your agreement.

Clearing your throat, you attempt to speak up. "Yeah, yes yes. Don't want to keep them waiting."

Exiting the room with the red still staining your face, leaving the human shifted ghoul behind you. Whom of which was chuckling at your dismissive antic from being flustered. 


A/N - Hey guys, so I'm not dead lol. I've just been a bit stressed with the end of the school year coming up and getting everything submitted in time. And then seeing that Aether and Sunshine aren't on tour with Ghost as of right now, kind of foiled my existing chapters that I had written. So what did I do? I rewrote them- I'm sorry to those who were looking forward to the updates within the past week, BUT I have new and improved chapters to release. All of which include more interactive content, more story details, and a new plot because I scrapped the old one xD   I hope you're all enjoying, remember to vote and comment to help support! <3

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