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Mountain's POV :

"Here we are, I can wait outside till you're done with whatever." Not wanting to sound rude, to  who I'm guessing is a new Sister of Sin, I try correcting myself. "That is if you want me to, I can walk you back up if you need as well." I just don't want them to get hurt, some ghouls down here can be a little routy, especially with humans. Really wouldn't do anyone good if something happened, not to mention the fact that humans aren't allowed down here without high permissions anyways.

I was waiting for about two minutes when Swiss came storming by, letting out a seemingly relieved sigh. "Oh thank satans I found you. Come on, Copia called a last minute meeting in the practice room, and I am not getting yelled at by Aerther for being late this time. Put your legs in motion and get to walking Billy."

Torn between going as to not be told off for being late and telling Swiss that he's waiting on someone, he quickly thought about the options. Telling Swiss that he was waiting for someone would cause the ghoul to grill him with questions, and then the fact that he was waiting on a human would come about. Meaning he could possibly get in trouble for not stopping them from coming down here.

Figuring it was just best to come clean, he went to tell Swiss the reason he was standing there. "I ca- oumph-"

"Great come on big boy, we're going. Put your ass in motion." Not being able to get all his words out as he struggled to keep up with the surprisingly fast running pace that Swiss had going. He figured it'd be useless to try and explain what he was doing, he just hoped that you made it back up out of the basement safely.

Waiting in the Band Room :

We've all been waiting on Copia to arrive for about ten minutes now, just hoping not to wait too much longer. Finishing that thought, the door cracked open and in walked none other than Copia himself. As he walked in the ghouls quieted down, only whispering to the others sitting next to them on the sofas and chairs that were scattered around the wooden topped and metal legged coffee table.

"I know you are all wondering as to why I called you to this last minute meeting." Some mummers of agreement could be heard throughout the room as the Cardinal carried on. "Well that would be for one reason, a big reason at that." I won't lie when I say that this intrigued me a tad, and it seems it did everyone else as well.

"Someone who I hold dear, and have known since forever has finally come back. And she is going to be taking over the role of being the band's official manager." There was a pause, and not a thing was said. A new manager? Wasn't Sister Imperator the bands' manager? Why would we need a new one? Who would they even appoint to that position, and Copia knows them?

"Everyone meet Nessa, as I said she will be the new manager. So if you have any questions please don't be afraid to go to her about them." This only made me question even more, until a second later I see a woman walk to stand next to the Cardinal. When in satan's name did she get in here-

"Hey, I'm Loynessa it's nice to finally meet all of you." Freezing in my seat, I am suddenly aware that I cannot move even an inch. It's the human that I walked to a room she asked about.

Yet again it was radio silent, well until Dewdrop practically jumped out of his seat and began to loudly rattle off about something. "OH MY SATANS IT'S HER!" No one really understood what he was talking about. Which he got from all the confused glances he was receiving, prompting him to continue on his tangent. "LOYNESSA? ONE OF THE ORIGINAL FIFTY GHOULS TO BE SUMMONED FROM HELL? Guys catch up, honestly-"

Trying to understand what he practically rapped out, I repeated what he said to myself quietly. 'One of the fifty original ghouls?'

Wait a damn minute-


A/N - Got to see where Mountain disappeared to from his point of view, let me know in the comments if you want his pov in the future as well. Hope you're all enjoying, remember to vote and comment to help support! <3

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