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"Why are the drums so quiet?" Turning to look at the sound manager who was tasked to Mountain's drums.

"The cord isn't plugged in, mam, someone must have tripped over it and pulled it out. He's not hooked up to the audio desk at all."

Nodding your head, you take notice of the distressed look on his face. "So it just needs to be plugged back in?"

Letting out a small sigh and then giving a reply, he spoke back. "Yeah, the cord plugs in on the right side of his platform."

"Alright." With that, you place your phone on the table by the door as you walk out; closing it carefully behind you. Approaching the entrance on the left side of the stage, you come to meet one of the body guards who is standing watch.

"Miss?" A look of confusion spreading across his face as he questions you without directly asking.

"The drums aren't linked to the sound board, they need to be plugged back in to work." Not wanting to cause a scene, even though you have every right to go plug the cord in as it's a part of your job. Trying to quickly finish your explanation to give those who paid for tickets the best experience possible. "I was tasked with going on stage to fix it."

The confused look melting off the guards face as one of understanding took its original place. "I see, I see. You can go on your way then."

Sending him a small polite smile, you brush past him and start to make your way towards the very back of the stage. When you first walk out, you're directly behind Swiss's platform so there's not really anything to worry about. The platform only comes up to a little bit below your shoulder, though it's fairly dark at the back of the stage anyways so the chances of those in the crowd seeing you are slim.

The sounds of Cirice fading out as the song came to an end, the audience cheering and clapping for more. Seems like someone informed Copia that a break was needed in order to fix something.

"How are you tonight, ladies and gentle folk?" A boom of excited yells and cheers coming from the crowd.

A chuckle could be heard from Copia as the mic faintly picked it up; when he took a seat on one of the speakers at the front of the stage. "Good good, I'm glad we're all having fun."

Tuning him out as you walk out from behind Swiss's platform and cross over to Mountain's. Walking around the big circular platform to the other side, you notice Mountain looking at you from the top where he's seated. Sending him a smile, accompanied with a wink, you reach your destination and begin searching for the connector. Said wire being discarded about six feet away from the base of the circular platform you were somewhat hiding behind.

Huffing out a sigh of annoyance, you step out to bend down and grab it; the crowd suddenly becoming louder than you've heard them all night. Not paying any mind to it, you start plugging the multi-wired pieces back together. The blue goes to the blue, red to the red, white to the white, yellow to the other yellow. And all done!

Blowing a piece of hair out of your face as you stood back up, you take notice that the audience is now deadly silent. Odd, weren't they just super loud like not even ten seconds ago?

Attempting to take a glance at the people in the crowd, you realize it's almost impossible to see anyone other than those on the stage. All of which, you are just now noticing, are staring at you.

A look of confusion spread across your face as Copia got up off the speaker he was previously sat on, and started walking in your direction.

"Well well, what do we have here? Everyone, I would like for you to meet Miss Morningstar. She is our band manager, mother of us all really." Copia, once reaching where you stood, draped his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you up to the speaker he got up from.

Scoffing at his claim of you being the band's mother, a small smile overtook your face. Seeing the unasked questions in his eyes, you leaned in close to whisper to him; not wanting the mic to pick up what you were saying. "Mountain's drums got unplugged, I was tasked with coming to plug them back in correctly."

Understanding blossoming in his eyes, the only part of his face that you could see with him wearing the mask. "It seems that Miss Morningstar here wanted to say hello, guess she couldn't bear to stay away from us any longer." Laughs rolled throughout the large stadium of people.

Smiling while taking a small bow, your hands clasped together in front of you; Copia noticing and helping you in your want to depart. "Although she must be going now, everyone say thank you and goodbye!"

Coming back up out of the bow, you smile at the sea of beings and take your leave. Wiping your somewhat sweaty hands on the bottom half of your skirt as you step off the stage and past the bodyguard, you make a mental note to not get Copia a happy meal after the show.


A/N - I just want to start off by saying that I am so sorry for just disappearing for a whole month. I've been going through some tough things atm, such as facing this years final exams and projects for school. Along with the passing of a close family member of mine, and I decided I needed a break from everything that was going on. Again I apologize for not updating the chapters that I have pre-written, but none of them were fully edited and I couldn't find it in me to look through them. Trust me, I tried multiple times to do so; but I've now sat down and finished three out of like seventeen- Still, I should have put some form of word out that I would be taking a short break, and for that I am sorry. I also just want to note that I will be changing the upload schedule to chapter(s) every month, instead of every Tuesday and Thursday. Hope you enjoy today's chapter, remember to vote and comment to help support. Thank you so so much for 5k reads as well, stay amazing yall<33

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