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'Mountain let out a pair of whispered questions, "Ness?" Earning a hum from me out of curiosity. Asking the final question of the pair, one that I never imagined I would be asked in this lifetime. "Can I kiss you?"

Giving a small nod I start inching my way closer, slowly leaning in, the tall alluring ghoul following close with my actions. My eyes flicking down to his lips as our faces grow closer.

His hand that wasn't holding onto my wrist slowly creeping up to enclose the back of my neck. Applying a bit of slight pressure to help put our faces closer together, as if that's even possible as we're practically on top of one another.

His hand moving up so it's even more intertwined with my hair, our lips about to finally meet. Feeling his breath fanning across my lips, I decide to fully commit to it. We're already here, there's no going back now.

Moving in to close the small gap in between for our lips to connect-'

"Alright my ghoulies that is all we have time for today, so you can go ahead and pack up if you have somewhere you need to be. I will see you all tomorrow when we load into the bus to get to the airport. And please for the love of Satan do not forget your bags this time." Being broken out of your daydream from Copia speaking, noticing the end of his statement being pointed towards Dew more than anyone else.

After that was said, the sound of people putting instruments and their pieces into their respective cases could be heard around the room. As well as chattering, as everyone was excited to finally be going on tour this year.

"Hey Nessa, Cirrus and Cumulus both wanted to know if you wanted to go and have a movie marathon tonight." Turning around from gathering your papers that were spread across the table in the far corner of the room, you see an excitedly jumpy Sunshine smiling at you.

"I would love to Sunnie, but I still haven't packed for the tour yet. I was planning on doing it a while ago, but things got really busy with paperwork and getting permissions for the tour." You reply back a little defeated, causing the cheerful ghoulette to drop her smile a little.

Not even a second later the smile and joy were back on her face, almost as if they never flickered off in the first place. "Well then, I guess we have our work cut out for us huh?" Slightly bumping her shoulder with yours, you're left confused as she picked up the stack of organized papers you'd just put on the table as she walked up.

"Meet you outside your room in five? Okay okay, cool cool cool." Walking backwards as she spoke, turning around only when she finished; so she wouldn't trip as she walked out of the room.

Standing there unmoving, with a look that crossed between concern and confusion plastered across your face. Having nothing to grab but your phone and water bottle, as Sunshine took the papers that you had, you turn to grab the last two of your belongings off the table.

Spinning back around to leave the room after grabbing your phone and bottle, you're met with a chest right in front of your face. Looking up you see that the chest belongs to none other than Mountain. Smiling up at him, "Why hello there sir, may I ask what you are doing?"

Grinning and matching your tone, the tall ghoul replies. Tipping his head down in a mocking manner as if he had a top hat on. "Hello there madam, I was just simply walking by and saw you standing here. Figured I'd come say my greetings and see what you were up to."

"Well I'll have you know that I am to meet a friend very shortly. In fact they must be waiting outside my room by now."

"Oh? And do I know this friend you speak of?" You could see him lift a brow under his mask through the tinted glass of the eye goggles. He was humoring you in the conversation, and the way the two of you were talking.

"You might know them, they are in a band you know." You humor him back, letting a small smirk play on the edge of your lips.

"Oh really now? Let's see, they wouldn't happen to be in the same band as I, would they?"

Making a face that one can only describe as 'snotty' and turning your head up to the ceiling in such manner. "They might be, it is a very high possibility." At that, the two of you couldn't hold it in anymore and busted out in a fit of laughter.

Calming down, you speak up, "No, it's just Sunshine. She said something about helping me pack my bags for tomorrow. I'm not really sure, she was being all cryptic and shit." Releasing a small chuckle as you finish off your explanation while shoving your phone in your pocket.

"Mmm I see, I see. When are you meeting with her?"

As if a bomb of realization had just gone off in your head, you quickly straighten up. A faint, "oh shit", was heard as you quickly started off towards the door. Stopping in your tracks, you turn around and rush back to the tall ghoul who's just stood there looking at you.

Gently grabbing the back of his neck with your free hand, you pull him down so his face is level with yours. Placing a soft but firm kiss on the left corner of his mouth, you let go and rush back to the door. Yelling over your shoulder on your way out of the room. "Bye Bubs, see you later!"

And with that, you were off to your room to meet with Sunshine.


A/N - I am so incredibly sorry for not publishing last Thursday's and Tuesday's chapters. I've had some things going on lately, and the book just hadn't crossed my mind much. I know I put out a notif about this on my profile's conversation tab, but I just wanted to say it again here for those who may have missed it. I've gone through the rough drafts of the chapters that I currently have written, and I am HEAVILY editing them. I realized that the direction of the plot would not match up with what I had. I am currently in the process of rewriting them so that they do. Once again I am so sorry, hope you all can understand. Best wishes to all those reading, remember to vote and comment to help support! <3

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