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A quietly asked question got hung in the air, so soft you would have strained to hear it had the room not been deadly silent. Dropping your head down a bit, you wait for the follow up that you know is coming.

"Why are you going back, Ness?" Audibly hearing him force himself to suck in a breath, you close your eyes and let out a mute sigh. "Are they making you go back?"

Turning to look at the ghoul who's currently sat on your bed, you take notice of his tear clouded eyes.

"Is it because you went on stage? Cause the crowd saw you?" A confused look overtaking his normally gentle features, causing pain to blossom in your heart. "They loved you, why would the Council be upset? I don't understand, you did nothing wrong."

Forcing yourself to swallow the nonexistent spit in your dry mouth, you take a seat on the bed next to him; not being able to look him in the eyes, as you know your answer won't be reassuring to him in the slightest.

"I don't know either, Bubs. But it's going to be fine, okay?" Taking his right hand in yours and you mess with the rings on his fingers.

"Sister Imperator, asked for my 'presence' back at the Church. She also said that a meeting was to be held with the Council, on a matter that I am unaware of. With all I've done for the Church, I don't think they would send me back to he-"

Getting cut off by a, now crying, Mountain, your heart breaks even more. "But Ness, you're one of the original fifty. They've been trying to get rid of those who are still standing. Satan's, they got rid of a guy because he didn't do his wash!"

"Mmm, no they got rid of Tryestil because he didn't agree with Earth's customs and the rules the council had set." You countered back, raising an eyebrow at his statement. "Sure the guy didn't do his wash, but the council didn't give a shit about that."

Shaking his head, Mountain continued on. "You're missing my point firefly. You can't get sent back." Licking his lips, his eyes trailed down to yours as he whispered out the last part of what he was pushing in the conversation. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"And you'd think I would be able to without you?" You asked; as the question grazed the air, his eyes snapped back up to yours once more.

Seeing him press his lips into a thin line did not give you any hope to what he was about to say. "Ness, you have people down there who could support you through it. I came up here because I have no one down there."

Becoming confused about what he was talking about, you stopped him. "What do you mean you don't have anyone down there? I thought you said you had your parents and your sister."

"Keyword there being had, firefly." Realization washing over you, you let out a small gasp. Taking him and enveloping him in a hug, you could feel the tears staining your shirt. Leaving a forever staying imprint on the silky fabric, not that you minded anyway.

"What I'm trying to say, Ness, is that you're the last piece of true family that I have left." He spoke while having his head positioned so that his forehead was in the crock of your neck. He was mindlessly twiddling with your fingers that were wrapped in between his. "Yeah, I have the band, but that's all that we are. A band, a band of ghouls who were brought together with no knowledge of who any of the others truly are. We were left to figure that bit out on our own, still haven't fully managed to do that bit."

Hearing his words trail off the farther he got into what he was saying, you took note of how he felt. Understanding it, trying to see it from his point of view, and pocketing it for later when you'd have the proper response; as you had no clue what was even running through your head at the moment.

Well there was one clear thing going through your mind. And that was that Mountain's hand was dangerously close to your upper mid thigh, as he was cupping it and rubbing small circles with his thumb.


A/N - Oopsies, did I do that? Is there more coming up? Who knows ;3 Remember to vote and comment to help support, take care lovelies<3

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