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Being woken up by someone opening the door and coming in, you were a tad bit startled. "Hey Mountain have you seen Nessa-"

"Shhh he's sleeping." You quickly shush the person who just entered the room, who you soon realize is Aether.

"Yeah..uh I can see that- But why are you laying on top of him?-" He replied back, but quietly this time.

Only now noticing the position you're currently in, you mentally facepalm. Mountain, who's sleeping on his back, still has his hands around your waist as you're laid out on his stomach, and from your hips down you're in between his legs.

Not really wanting to risk waking the sleeping ghoul that's under you, you spoke back softly. "He fell asleep on the floor last night, and when I woke him up he wouldn't let me leave to go back to my room. He ended up pulling me on top of him and falling back asleep, I didn't wanna wake him again cause he seemed really tired. Anyways, what did you need to find me for?"

Seeming to understand, the ghoul just nodded and replied back. "Well I was trying to find you to tell you that Copia needs us in the band room in like an hour to go over more tour stuff."

Humming softly, and giving a small, "Thank you, I'll get him up if he's not awake by then."

"No problem." Was all he said as he backed out of the room, and inched closer to the door. But before he fully stepped out to leave, he said one more thing. "You guys would look cute together in my opinion."

Blushing as Aether left and shut the door, all you could do was think about his remark he gave before parting. You wondered what it would be like if you two were together. You didn't really think that much would change, the two of you were always together and hanging out. The only thing that you guess would change would be the display and use of affection. Even just thinking about it got you to somehow blush harder than you were already.

Noticing your phone was sitting on Mountain's bedside table, you go to grab it. Picking it up, you look to see a message from Aether. Opening it up to find a photo of you and Mountain laying together peacefully in his bed. Smiling, you message him back. 'Thanks for the new wallpaper mr photography man<3'

One Hour Later :

You've been scrolling through instagram for the past hour just looking through all the ghost fan art. Honestly some of the artists are insanely talented, the band would absolutely love to see it. Thinking some more about it, you decide to save some of the pictures to print out and hang on the empty wall in the band room. It would make for some really cool decoration.

Saving the last photo that you wanted to, you felt the tall ghoul under you shift as he started to wake up. Closing out of the app that you were currently in and clicking your phone off. "Good morning sleepy head, I was just about to wake you up."

Softly grumbling as he came to it and out of his sleep coma. He quickly noticed the position the two of you were in, and started blushing crazily. "Uhm, not that I mind it, but why are you laying on top of me.." Mountain whispered, seemingly struggling to fully get his words out.

"You wouldn't let me leave last night when I woke you up to get you off the floor. And then you pulled me on top of you and fell back asleep." You said simply while picking a piece of fuzz off of his dark gray t-shirt and dropping it onto the floor. "Oh before I forget, I'm getting you a fuzzy blanket. You're honestly really missing out."

Chuckling slightly at your antics, Mountain just nodded his head as to say sure. Which was also when you remembered why you were going to wake him. "Oh shit, wait what time is it?" Looking down at your phone you cringe seeing the time, which only earned you a confused look from the other ghoul. "We were supposed to meet Cardi in the band room to go over more tour things like ten minutes ago."

At that the other ghoul let go of your waist, to which you took the chance to get up and walk over to his closet. "You got any clothes that'll fit me?"

Not getting a response back, you go to turn your head to try and find your best friend. Only to be met with his chest, blushing lightly yet again, you turn back facing towards the closet. He reached over you and into the closet to grab some clothes from the top shelf, his front pressing into your back even more so than before.

Leaning back down he handed you the items he just pulled out of the closet. "Yeah, you can wear this. It should fit you."

"Thank you thank you, my kind sir." You say. while walking off to his bathroom. Undenounced to you, leaving behind a blushing and smiling ghoul.

Coming out of the bathroom after changing to be met with a newly dressed Mountain, who you guessed changed in the room. "Here, it's chilly in the hallways and you might want a coat." Thanking him as you took the dark gray zip up coat, you were both on your way out of the door.

At the Band Room :

Walking into the band room, you were met with only six ghouls and no Copia. "Where's Cardi and Aether?" You questioned out, bringing attention to you and Mountain who everyone else in the room is now noticing.

"They went out to go grab something, no clue what." Was the only thing you got in return. Shrugging it off as you made your way over to the couch that you and Mountain always sit on.

Once seated, you took notice of Dew staring at you funny. Just as you were about to speak up, he beat you to it. "Why are you wearing Mountain clothes? And his favorite hoodie- YOU ASS YOU WOULDN'T LET ME EVEN TOUCH IT, BUT SHE CAN WEAR IT?!" The first half of his rant was towards you. But after seeing the jacket you had on, the last half was directed at Mountain.

"She slept in my room and didn't have any clothes, so I gave her some of mine since we were late." He said simply as he sat down next to you. Earning a look from the yelling ghoul that said 'we are so talking about that later.'

Just as you set your head down against the tall ghoul's shoulder, Copia walked in with Aether trailing right behind him. "Alright my ghoulies, shall we begin the meeting?" And with that, the band started going over details for the tour that had not yet been discussed.


A/N - Thought this was a cute way to go with this chapter, seeing as Mountain did tell Nessa she could borrow some of his clothes in the last part. Just figured I'd just go through with that in this chapter.  As usual, hope you're all enjoying, remember to vote and comment to help support! <3

(I know I didn't really go into detail as to what the zip up coat looked like, I just didn't really know how to describe it without it being a a somewhat boring way. So I just scrapped it and figured I'd put an inspo image at the bottom here.)


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