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Offering a small smile before speaking over her still playing show. "Hey dumplin, you wanna go on a walk with me?"

The curious expression she once wore turned to confusion, her eyebrows drawing downwards. "Can I bring my botanical book?" After getting a nod of the head, she grabbed her book from its spot on the coffee table and stood. "Where are we walking to?"

Stepping out of the room once more, she made a move to hold your hand in hers as she clung to the book even tighter. Noticing her nerves, but not understanding what she's thinking, you try to calm her down. "I need to go speak with-"

"Grammy Immy?" Trying not to show the smile on your face, you look down to see her already looking back up at you.

"Yes, grammy Immy. We might be going on a trip soon."

Her head cocked to the side trying to process the information that was just given to her. "You're going to get rid of me, aren't you?"

Stopping in your tracks, your eyes fly to her figure once again. "What? Dumpling no, satan's no. Why would you think that?" Crouching down to her level, eventually seeing the look of despair in her tar colored eyes.

"Then why are you going to talk to her? Are you not happy with me? I'll be good, I promise! I-I won't cry at night anymore, an-and I won't ask to go outside again o-or leave any messes-"

Pulling the now sobbing tiny ghoul into your arms, you stroke her hair gently. "Mauve, honey listen to me. I'm not getting rid of you, if anything you'll have to get rid of me alright?" Only getting a sniffle in response, you place a soft kiss onto the top of her head. "You can even come in the room with us when we talk, okay? I promise you I'm not leaving you, we're just going on a little trip."

Hearing her calm down, her heart easing up from the wild thumping you felt as you held her, her slight nod of head was enough to tell you she understood. Lips thinning into a slight frown as your brows soon matched the downwards act, you carefully picked her up.

Continuing on your way now carrying the smaller ghoulette in your arms, gently rubbing her back with your thumb every once in a while as she clung to you even tighter.

Finally arriving at the doors to Imperator's office after a handful of minutes. You shift the weight of the cub in your arms to only hold her with one on your hip. Bringing your fist up to knock softly three times.

Instead of getting a response, one of the doors opened to reveal Sister in all her glory. "Loynessa, I wasn't expecting you today." Looking over to the clock that hung on the wall behind her, she stepped aside for you to enter. "Please, come in."

Tossing her a smile as you made your way to the chairs that were sat in front of her desk. "I didn't expect to be coming here today either Sister. Truth be told, I only knew I was coming a few minutes ago."

Raising one of her eyebrows, she made her way behind her desk to sit herself in her chair. "I've done everything paperwork wise that I've needed to do, even worked ahead for the next four months."

Crossing her arms, she leaned back to rest against her chair fully. "I see, so I take it you want to go back on the tour with the others?"

Settling down, letting Mauve get comfy in your lap as she tucked herself closer to your chest. Bringing both arms up to wrap around her as you spoke in a quieter tone. "Yes, and I'd like to bring Mauve with me."

Getting an odd look from Imperator, she perked up in her chair with her arms resting on her desk as she spoke. "As much as I'm sure she wouldn't mind going along, I don't think it's the best option-"

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