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It took a while, but eventually you calmed down from your panicking. With Mountain holding you through the entire thing, making sure that you knew you weren't alone. Only then was anything said, Mountain being the first to get to it. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Simply nodding, you hoarsely replied back. "I thought you left me and went back to the church." Just as he was about to speak, you started up again. "I know you wouldn't, but I got scared when I couldn't find you. I started panicking and accidently shifted." Turning to look up at the tall ghoul who's still sitting next to you, you continued on. "Mountain, I haven't been able to shift since before I left the church."

"What do you 'since before you left'?" This confused the ghoul, not being able to understand why she wouldn't be able to do so.

"I've shifted before, yea, plenty of times. But I stopped when I was younger because I would get these feelings when I did. I didn't know what they meant or if it was harmful, so I stopped." Taking a breath, you finish your explanation. "I never told anyone about it, I didn't know if they'd send me back for it. I tried to shift the night before I left, but I couldn't. Like I physically couldn't feel the other half of me to shift over to."

Shocked in realization, Mountain prompted a question. "Ness?" Earning a small hum from you, he carried on. "What day did you leave the church?"

Confused as to why the ghoul was asking, you hesitantly replied back. "The day after my birthday, so the 2nd of January, 2013. Why?"

"Never mind then, just curious." He spoke out. You could tell he wasn't sharing everything that was on his mind, but you weren't going to push him to give an answer. Grabbing your hand he intertwined your fingers together, but stopped mid way through his action. Looking down at his hand to see was wrong, after seeing the perplexed look on his face, you froze.

You didn't have Mountain's zip up coat on, so you were only in your ripped jeans and black tank top. You were also still in your ghoul form, not really having the strength or want to turn back. But right now all you wanted to do was run. How could you forget about this? Guess the mind does wonders at suppressing memories that you wish to keep buried, though they always find a way to dig to the surface every once in a while.

Mountain being the first out of the two of you to speak. "Ness, what are these?" Not knowing how to respond, you don't. Your silence only making the tall ghoul look at you with a few tears rolling down his cheeks, and more lining his eyes.

Only now taking notice of his lack of mask, you stare at him for a second before responding back. "They weren't from me." You spoke out so quietly that the other ghoul had to strain to hear it. Pulling your arms towards your lap, still holding Mountain's hand as you do so.

Playing with a couple of the rings on his fingers, you continue on. "Remember when I told everyone I was summoned up when I was a baby?" You pause looking over at the ghoul making sure he was paying attention, gaining a nod in response. "Well I wasn't. I came up here when I was about six. I didn't just come from the underworld, I came from hell."

Stopping to take a breath to carry on with your story. "My parents made a deal with one of the bigger known demons. Well they didn't uphold their end, and in return they offered me as payment. They took me away, and I was forced to wear shackles around my wrists and ankles when I was left in the cell room. Which was usually all the time."

"I lived in that personal hell till I was five, and that was only because the demon got caught for something. It was only then that I was found. Not knowing what to do with a kid who didn't even know her name, let alone who her parents were, they left me on the door steps of Satan's home."

Smiling a bit as you place your head onto your knees. "He took me in for about a year, gave me my name, took care of me and helped me with whatever I was doing. I loved him like a brother, he was the only family I had then. He knew he couldn't keep me there forever though, as much as he said he wanted to. So when it came time for the first fifty ghouls to be summoned, I was in the litter that he picked."

"They're not just marks, they're burns and cuts as well. They bonded the shackles with my blood, so when I took them off it burned. Which caused it to look like this on my wrists and ankles, it goes up farther on my legs than it does on my arms though. I'm not sure why, but they don't show up when I'm in my human form either. Guessing it's because I got them while I was a ghoul."

It was completely silent when you finished talking, not even the animals in the forest wished to disturb the two of you. "Do they still hurt?" Expecting pity from the ghoul sitting next to you, as that's what you got from everyone else who knows of your story, you were shocked to find you didn't get any.

"Not really, no. It dulled down over time, it's just kind of numb now." You spoke, thankful to whatever being that he didn't react the way you were expecting him to.

Coming out of being shocked, you were confused to have your arm being gently picked up. Just as you were about to question what he was doing, he stunned you even more than before. Picking your arm up with the gentlest grip known to any being, he began to place light kisses on the scars. Blushing as he spoke, "You are still beautiful, even more than you know. You've lived through struggles that some can't even begin to imagine, and survived." With that he placed one more kiss onto the center of your wrist, your palm facing up towards the sky, looking at you while he did so.

He slowly sat back up from his slightly bent over position, still looking at you the whole time while doing so. Puzzled on why the eye contact was going on for so long, your eyebrows knitting together slightly. He then let out a pair of whispered questions, "Ness?" Sending back a hum in questioning, only to receive something you never thought you'd hear from the ghoul in front of you. 

"Can I kiss you?"


A/N - Here's another decently long chapter to make up for the past two parts, AND the added bonus there at the end. What will happen in the next chapter I wonder? Hope you're all enjoying, remember to vote and comment to help support! <3

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