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Tossing over to lay on your other side, you end up whacking yourself in the face with your own hand. Grumbling quietly as you start to come to it. Now noticing you are yet again alone in the bed, you look around confused as to where your tall best friend went. Only to see him once again on the floor, but sleeping peacefully rather than sitting awake.

Frowning a bit, wondering why he didn't just stay on the bed. You felt bad, as this was his room. You didn't want him to feel as if he couldn't sleep in his own bed, even if you were in it. There was easily enough space for two to sleep without being on top of one another.

Carefully getting up so as to not make any loud noises, you climb over your best friend and squat down so you're near his level. Speaking softly, trying not to startle him when you speak. "Mountain, wake up." Gently laying your hand on one of his shoulders and slightly shaking. Getting nothing in return but light snoring, you laugh a bit, but carry on. "Bubs-"

Before you can even finish your sentence, the ghoul was sat straight up. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Touched by how much he cares, you give him a smile and reply. "I'm fine, however your back will not be if you continue sleeping on the floor. Up in bed, come on." Not giving him time to respond, you grab the pillow and blanket that he had on the floor and tossed them on the bed. Noticing his lack of movement, you look down to see him just staring up at you. "Are you gonna get up, or am I gonna have to pick you up as well sir?"

Seeming to be flicked from his thoughts, he blinked a couple times and got up to lay in his bed. Realizing that he's in some sort of sleep haze, you don't try to get him to hurry up his pace and just leave him be. Tucking him in as you would a toddler, you take notice that he's already fallen back asleep. Or so you had thought. Just as you went to turn away to exit his room so you can go back to yours, he grabbed your hand.

"Where are you going?" Sounding confused as to why you were leaving, the ghoul pulled out closer to the edge of the bed.

"I've got to go change, I don't have any clothes here."

"But you're not going to come back. Just wear some of mine, it's too early to be walking around." Dozing off as he was speaking, he somehow managed to finish his sentence.

"Bubs, I can come back, it's okay." You tried to reason, only to be shut down.

"No you won't, you'll be all like, 'I didn't wanna wake you up'." Being honest, he was completely right. "Now come lay down."

With that being said, the tall Earth ghoul pulled you to him. So you fell onto the bed and you were now laying on his chest. Blushing at the position you were put in, all you could manage to get out was a faint, "ok". Not that it would have really mattered anyways as the same ghoul that pulled you onto him, was now passed out. Which you confirmed this time by hearing his little snores.

You tried getting up carefully to leave him to sleep in peace, but you were unsuccessful in your attempts. Every time you tried to wiggle out, he only wrapped his arms around you tighter. He was holding you by your waist, so there really wasn't much you could do without waking him to get up.

Accepting that this is what it's come to, you plop your head down on his chest. Feeling the rise and fall of his chest and listening to his breathing. You decide that going back to sleep would probably be the best thing to do. Getting comfy, you do so.


A/N - As I said in the last chapter, this ones a bit shorter since it's just that part continued into a new chapter. Still not too short, just not as long. And please know, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always drop them in the comment section. Or feel free to message me and I will do my best to answer honestly.  Hope everyone's doing well, remember to comment and vote to help support, sending well wishes to all<33

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