I didn't want to be around for when it ended.

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Huge thank you to @OvergrownDinosaur for giving me the idea for the sequel. The second story will now be a lot longer than I had planned it. It was originally going to be a really short, like, 15 chapter thing just so you could see what happens to them after all this. But now it has an actual plot. Thanks again ^_^


We were almost out. We could have been out of there within a few minutes if I hadn't stopped. But there was still something I had to do, something I had realised that I was forgetting. How could I have forgotten something so important?

"I have to go back." I said, stopping in my tracks. Harry looked back at me, distress in his gorgeous green eyes.

"What?" He asked, his breaths staggered as he stared at me. "What do you mean you have to go back? You can't go back!"

"I have to." I stressed. "I have to find Rose."

His eyes widened, realisation slowly seeping into his features. "Oh my god, where is she?"

"I don't know," I pressed my lips in a thin line, "But I have to find her."

"Alright, we'll go find her." He entwined our fingers and began to walk the way we had just come from.

I didn't budge. "Not we, Harry. Me, only me."

"What? Why?"

"Just keep going, okay?" I could see the worry in his eyes. "I'll be there soon, I promise."


I cut him off, stepping forward to place my lips on his. "Go." I whispered, his warm breath fanning over my face in short puffs of confusion.

"Bree, if you think I'm going to leave you then you're dumber than I thought."

"Shut up." I said, amused. "I don't have time to argue with you, now go."


"Now." I said sternly, holding my ground. "Please."

Harry bit his lip, sighing. "You're too stubborn for you own good."

I smiled softly, "Only when it counts."

"I really hate you for doing this." He said, "You know that, right?"

"Yeah," I let out a quiet laugh, taking a step backwards. "At least I'm not leaving forever. Ten minutes, tops."

He dragged his fingers through his hair, nervously shifting on his feet. "Ten minutes." He repeated, "You have ten minutes to find her." He quickly pulled me into him before I could run off, smoothing out my hair. "I love you."

I grinned, "I love you too." And then I was off, running back down the hall to my mother. I really hated the fact that I had to go back, but I couldn't leave knowing that my sister was still here.

I didn't know what state she would be in, she could be long gone by now. All I knew was that I had to know, I would rather leave knowing that it was too late and that there was nothing I could do. That way, I didn't have to worry about living with the guilt of 'what if'. What if she was okay, what if she hated me for leaving her. I wouldn't be able to deal with not knowing. This wasn't a situation where it was better to live in ignorant bliss than sorrow.

I was so focused on what I had to do that I almost ran straight into someone, but luckily they spotted me and quickly pressed there back against the boring white wall. I didn't bother apologising, I had nothing to apologise for. They should apologise to me for having such boring taste in decor. The least they could do was hang up a painting.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now