A disgusting woman.

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"Mum." My voice came out cold, bitter with the hatred I felt for this revolting woman.

She walked towards me, her movements calculated, purposeful. Her heels tapped against the floor, every click andclack irritating me to the point where I wanted to throw her in front of a bus.....or a flesh eating zombie, you know, which ever came first.

"I have missed you, so much." Her voice, like her movements, was over-done. She seemed to be trying too hard to sound like she cared. Like she actually loved me.

"Cut the crap." I rolled my eyes, annoyance clear in my tone. "What do you want with me? I have heard many things, thought many things and remembered many things."

I didn't care for mindless chatter right now, I just wanted to get straight to the point. No matter how painful that point may be.

"I feared this would happen." My mum sighed. Over-dramatic bitch. "You have fallen into everyone's lies. My dear girl, I can assure you that whatever you have heard is not true."

"Oh, so you didn't lock your own son away? You didn't keep my brother from me? Well isn't that a relief!" Sarcasm drenched my words as I spoke, every ounce of hatred I felt for her boiling inside of me.

"I did do that but-" She tried to speak but I cut her off.

"And you didn't inject anything into my arm at night? And you have absolutely nothing to do with any of this? You didn't cause a world-wide infection to take over the human-race?" I asked. "Well that's fucking great, isn't it? I was worried for a second there that you had done all those things."

"I have done great things for everyone. I'm just working on ironing-"

"Ironing what? Your clothes? People are eating other people and your worried about laundry?" I laughed, it was an emotionless laugh.

"If you would let me finish, I was saying I was just working on ironing out the kinks of my plan."

"Whoopty-fucking-do! Good for you!" I exclaimed. "You have accomplished absolutely nothing except death. Really, congratulations. Would you like a round of applause with that?" I exclaimed sarcastically. Did she really think she was accomplishing something great? That she was helping people? She's crazier than I thought.

"Don't use that tone of voice with me!"

"Don't use that tone of voice with me!" I mocked her, rolling my eyes. "Your 'plan' is not a wrinkled piece of cloth, it can not be ironed. Ironing it won't make what you have done any less awful. You're mental, absolutely mental."

"I am not mental! Don't you dare accuse me of such sins! You are ignorant to my power! You are blind to the great things I have done."

"I'm blind? No, you are blind. You are ignorant, naive even. You think what you have done us great, that you have helped people. But the only person you have helped is yourself, and even then you haven't really helped much. You are still just a lost woman with wicked motives, a coward, oblivious to the world around her." I spat, anger coursing through my veins.

"I am not a coward! I am your mother!"

"You're not my mum." I said. "You're an empty shell, you don't have a soul, you don't have a heart. You are unable to love or feel. The only thing you can do is destroy, you have killed so many people without a single remorseful thought."

"I have killed no one. I am no murderer." She said calmly. I could tell she was lying, the slight flicker in her eyes gave her away. Stupid, stupid woman.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now