The beginning

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Cold morning sunlight poured through the gap in my curtains, blinding me, as my alarm shook me from sleep. Scattered images from my dream slipped from my grasp, leaving a nervous knot at the pit of my stomach. I couldn't remember what had happened, all that I could remember was the fear.

"Bree! Get up! You're going to be late for school!" My Mum's voice rang through the room.

"Yuuuuup." I groaned pressing my face against the warmth of my pillow for one last time before dragging myself out of bed. The frosty air hit the bare skin on my arms, making me shiver. I wrapped my dressing gown around my body before trudging downstairs and into the kitchen. A steaming cup of tea sat, waiting for me, on the bench. Perfect life? Check. I know it sounded cocky, but it was true. My life was the basic definition of perfect. Perfect parent. Perfect house. Perfect grades.

"Your clothes are on the couch." My Mum said as she walked into the kitchen and poked her head in the pantry.

"Thanks." I placed my empty cup in the sink before walking into the living room. A pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a grey long sleeved top and a black hoodie waited on the couch. How colourful. I rolled my eyes before tugging the clothes on. Well at least they were warm. Looking back at this moment makes me wonder if deep down she knew. She knew that this would happen. She knew that these clothes would help me hide in the shadows. She knew I would need to stay out of sight.

I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and grabbed my phone from the table.

"Bye Mum! Bye Dad! Tell the girls we'll have a movie night tonight!" I slung my bag over my shoulder and stalked out the door.


The nervous knot in the pit of my stomach had grown since this morning, leaving me in a state of stress. My finger nails tapped lightly against the desk impatiently as the clock ticked slowly, causing my impatience to grow. The air seemed too thick and warm. No one else seemed to notice the way I was acting, which was a relief. I didn't want to have to explain why I was so nervous, because the truth was...I didn't really know. What I did know was that whatever I had dreamt about last night had left me feeling extremely uneasy. I had been sttaining tp remember what had happened in it all morning. It had started with-

An ear-piercing scream broke through the classes chatter and students raced towards the window to see what was going on. I stayed seated as deja-vu washed through me. Something at the back of my mind was telling me to stay away from the window and get as far away from here as I possibly could. I stood up just as students began to slowly back away from the large window. What was going on? The glass shattered and three people came crashing through the window, their eyes wide, blood staining their clothes and hands. They growled at us before stumbling forward. Terrified screams erupted through the crowd. Oh my god. One of the three people leaped on top of the teacher before biting into her neck. This was not happening....Please!

I ran out of the room, trying to find someone to help me. The halls were filled with panicking students and teachers, trying desperately to calm everyone down. I could hear the ones that didn't get away, their pained screams haunted my mind. Bloody hand-prints dripped from the lockers. I ran down the hall that seemed to be never ending, my breaths became more frantic with every step I took. After what felt like an eternity I finally broke outside, the air was stuffy and uncomfortable. Bodies lay half-eaten on the sidewalk as flames licked buildings and abandoned vehicles. A large group of stumbling bodies were huddled together down the street, covered in fresh blood. A scream rose in my throat but before it could escape I was tackled to the ground by a man. I looked up, his eyes were wild and couldn't focus on one spot. Blood ran down his chin, very attractive. This was it. This was when I died. I was going to die.

The man began to snarl as they clawed at me, preparing to lunge at my throat. I lay frozen beneath them. Oh how romantic would this be if he wasn't trying to eat me alive? Still not very romantic. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but it never came. I couldn't feel the weight of the man anymore, nor could I hear him growling. Still I refused to open my eyes, too afraid of what I might see if I opened them. A hand tapped me lightly on my shoulder and I yelped. Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't- 

"Bree, are you okay?" A deep British voice filled my ears.

I slowly peeled my eyes open, a familiar head of curls came into view, followed by a pair of beautiful green eyes. Mother of god he's gorgeous. He held a hand out to me and I took it gladly, unsure if I would even be able to stand by myself. I took a deep breath of polluted air in an attempt to slow my frantic heart.

"Yeah, thanks for...uh, saving me Harry." I smiled gratefully. 

"No problem. I have to go. Are you sure you will be okay?" He asked and I nodded unsure.

Before I could rethink my answer he was gone. I stood there, staring at the destruction surrounding me. I didn't know how long the human race could survive this. I didn't know how long could survive this, a few days? Months? For all I knew we could all be wiped out in a few minutes, or even seconds.

I hadn't realized I'd been walking until I was standing in front of my house. Windows were broken which didn't seem like a very good sign to me. Cautiously I made my way inside, the first thing I noticed was the furniture. It was strewn everywhere. The next thing I noticed was the blood. It was everywhere. On the floor, on the walls, on the furniture. everywhere. I sank to the floor. My whole body was taken over by uncontrollable sobs. My parents, my sisters, my cat. They were gone. I would never see them again. Tears streamed down my cheeks, if I could only have my life for one more day. If I could only turn back time.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now