"They left us."

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I turned into the room, searching for anything different. The blankets were still side by side, cans still littered the floor, and the room still smelt like rotting meat. Basically everything was the same, except for one thing, well two things actually. The girls, two of them.

The first one had long, light brown hair, and the other had short, dirty blonde hair. I couldn't see there faces, but I didn't need to, I already knew it was them. 

I couldn't help but silently scold them for not being more careful, I could have been a soldier and they could have been dead by now. They hadn't even noticed me yet, how could they be so careless? 

"Rose? Grace?" 

They turned, startled, before shock washed over them in large waves. Grace ran towards me first, her blonde hair bouncing around her pale face, before Rose walked slowly towards me, her movements cautious, unsure.

"Bree? Is that really you?" Rose asked, tears escaping her light blue eyes.

"I think so." I smiled, my brain still trying to process that they were here in front of me.

"Be serious for once would you?" She cried. Wow, she had changed, a lot.

"Come here, let me look at you." I motioned for her to come closer.

There were dark circles beneath her tired eyes, and she was thinner than I remembered, but considering the position we were in, it didn't surprise me. Nothing surprised me anymore.

"They left us, mum and dad. They left us for dead."

I spoke too soon.

I almost choked on the air. "What are talking about?!"

"It's true." Grace's small voice jumped in, she was clinging to my arm like her life depended on it, which, in this case, her life kind of did depend on it. "They left us here, they wouldn't tell us where they were going."

They had grown so much, yet they were still so young, so...oblivious to the world around them. They didn't seem to understand that this building wasn't exactly the safest place to stay. Anyone could walk past and see them. Anyone could end their short lives.

Rose began to slowly back away, her hand reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a large knife. "Who the hell are you?" Her voice was low, threatening.

I turned, relaxing when I saw Harry standing in the doorway, his large body resting against the fragile door frame. I was surprised it hadn't collapsed under his weight.

"Bree....." He glanced outside, his eyebrows drawing together in confusion. "I think you might want to see this..."

I stood up cautiously. "What is it?"

"Bree, what's going on?" Grace's voice was small and nervous as she glanced between Harry and I.

"Grace, stay here. Rose watch her."

Rose rolled her eyes. "What do you think I have been doing for the last few months? I can take care of her, unlike you. You couldn't take care of us, you couldn't help us. That's why you left. That's why you never looked for us until now. What changed? Why look for us now? Why did you have to wait until we were drowning in fear. Why Bree? Why did you leave us all to die?"

I was taken aback by her words, surely I didn't hear her right.......... I didn't leave them, I could never leave them Why would she even think that?

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confusion settling over me like dust. Had my parents told her that? That I left them? Why would she ever believe such a thing? Were my parents deranged? Did they believe I left them? Were they completely mental?

"Mum told us. She said you knew this was going to happen. That you left us because you were the cause of it. She said you had been sneaking around, doing weird experiments, that you were having dreams about it. About
this." She motioned to everything around us. But I was no longer focusing on her. My mind was wavering, wandering backwards.

The screams seemed to follow me. The fear. The smell. Everything. There are bodies littering the abandoned streets, I didn't recognize any of the faces. Their expressions were filled with traumatizing fear and utter horror. I was all alone, wandering the streets. Searching for life. The air was stiff and hot, my surroundings burning, crumbling, screaming. I couldn't shake the haunted screams. They tortured me. They followed me everywhere.

I stopped in my tracks, a tank was driving towards me at a frightening speed, multiple men in uniforms walking on either side of the metal vehicle, and behind them......an army of rotting flesh and blood-lust.

A nightmare.

And it was heading straight for me. 

I blinked, attempting to rid myself of the horrifying image. The dream had tortured me almost every night for years.

"Bree..." Harry's voice was urgent and filled with worry. I wanted to turn towards him, but I couldn't. My eyes were trained on my sister, the girl I had hoped to see again. Who I had longed to hold for so long. But it seemed the universe had decided to play a sick trick on me.

She wasn't the same.

Her head had been filled with pathetic lies, would I ever be able to convince her?

Would she realize that the lies she had been told were just that, lies. 

I had barely processed the words she had just spoken, when she began her verbal assault once more.

"She said you were responsible for this disaster. That you are the reason the world has perished. I may only be eleven, but I can protect Grace better than you ever could."

I sunk to the floor, feeling like the whole world had crashed down on me. My mum had gone mental, why else would she fill Rose's head with such ridiculous bull shit.

"That's enough!" Harry's voice rang through the thick air and he was kneeling beside me within seconds, glaring at Rose. "She is trying to help you! She is trying to keep you alive, yet all you want to do is remind her that she hasn't been with you? That she hasn't protected you?! And you believe she is to blame for all of this? You really think Bree decided she wanted to fuck the whole world over? How fucking stupid are you?!"

I didn't have the energy to tell Harry to stop, that screaming at an obviously slightly unstable, eleven year old girl, wasn't worth it. I felt numb as he lifted me to my feet and escorted me towards the exit.

Harry turned towards Rose once more. "Stay here if you want. We'll see how long you'll survive."

I could almost sense her hesitation, the internal battle she was having against herself visible in her eyes. He didn't give her a chance to reply, instead he began walking again and I slowly made my way after him, my feet dragging against the concrete floor.

I felt tired, drowsy. But just when I thought I was about ready to drop dead, I looked up.

The scene before my eyes was like having a bucket of ice cold water tipped over my head, it woke me right up.

A/N: Vote/Comment- So sorry it has been sooo long. I thought I would start asking questions maybe? Yes? Yes? No? Maybe? hmmm?? I also think I should start dedicating chapters to readers! So don't be a ghost reader!! Like it up, comment beautiful things and I may just dedicate a chapter to you!! Is anyone even reading this? If you are......

Valentines day is coming up!! I got the guy I like a rose :) What are you guys planning for valentines day?? Reply in the comments!! thank you!!!

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