Not even a scar.

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I watched, sharing a confused glance with Niall, as Dakota and Karen hugged. It was obvious that they knew each other, but I didn't know how.....Karen hadn't mentioned meeting anyone while she was wandering around the empty streets searching for the tiniest amount of how did they know each other?

I wanted to ask questions, but they were still hugging, and I didn't want to ruin their reunion.

I focused on the quiet singing of the birds, revelling in the sound that had been lost to me for far too long. When was the last time I heard a bird singing? I couldn't even remember. Dried leaves littered the ground, meaning that any sudden movements would cause the leaves to crackle underneath my weight. The horrible sound triggered something in my mind and a memory surfaced.

"You're a sick, sick woman." My Dad was saying angrily.

"No, I'm not. You're just to stupid to understand. You're to blind to see the brilliance in my ideas." My Mum said matter-of-factly.

"Brilliance?! You have locked your own flesh and blood in a cell, and for what? Because you need him for some revolting plan?! Because you need a human sacrifice?! You disgust me."

"I refuse to acknowledge that he shares my blood. He is nothing but a puppet for me to control. He is nothing to me. Nothing." She seethed, her once calm aura slipping from her grasp.

"He is not an object! He is your son for fuck sake's!" My Dad was yelling, and I cowered in the corner, afraid of being discovered.

My Mum had a sun? When did she get a sun? Are all suns boys? 

My three year old brain was confused, I couldn't figure out how my Mum got a sun. Did she steal one from the sky when no one was looking?

"He is not my son. He may be yours. But he will never be mine." I heard the sound of glass shattering and I closed my eyes as I frantically covered my ears with my hands. I didn't want to hear anymore.

I blinked, pushing the memory back into the darkest corner of my mind. I realized now that the 'sun' my Mum had been referring to was Liam. Not a giant ball of gas.

"Brilliance?! You have locked your own flesh and blood in a cell, and for what? Because you need him for some revolting plan?! Because you need a human sacrifice?! You disgust me."

What had my Dad been talking about? What plan? Why was he so disgusted with her? What did she do-

"There will come a day when you are alone. All alone. But don't worry your pretty little head, Bree. I'll send someone for you. They will take care of you until I need you, it doesn't matter. You will find out soon enough." There was a pause before my Mum continued. "The sun won't bother them for long. And when the sun is no longer their enemy, I will call on you."

My breath hitched in my throat.

When the sun is no longer their enemy.

The sun is no longer their enemy.......and it was only a matter of time before she came for me.

My fist connected with a nearby tree, sending unbearable shoots of pain up my arm. Why was my family so messed up? Another shoot of pain. Why did she have to start this? I could feel the blood trickling through my torn flesh, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I was disgusted, how could my Mum be so mental? She should have been locked up in an asylum before she had the chance to ruin everyone's lives. More punches, more blood and more pain. I was being stupid and I knew it. But I couldn't help but think it was all my fault. Maybe I did something that caused her to go insane. Maybe-

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now