Great, now I was hungry for two things.

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Who else got tickets to rockoutwithyoursocksout?!?!?!?

I think I died, that's how excited I was.

My funerals next week, inform your friends and family.

***Warning*** I thought I'd let you know that things are about to get sexy. (but not too sexy) So if you're not comfortable reading this, I suggest you back away slowly and don't read the beginning of this chapter. Even though it won't be that bad. It's not going to be any 50 shades of sex, or anything. She should have called it that....... it would have explained what was in 99% of the damn story.


Read on. Or skip the first bit. Whatever. I don't care....It's not like it will hurt my feelings.... *cries*

Kidding! Love you all! xx


"I love you." Harry breathed, out of breath. "So fucking much."

I took a sharp intake of breath, my head tilting backwards as his hands roamed south, brushing softly against my skin before he tightly gripped my waist. I pressed my body against his, enjoying the way his eyelids fluttered closed for the briefest second before opening again, the green of his eyes darkened with longing and lust.

I slid my arms around his neck, gripping the ends of his hair as he left a trail of soft kisses down my neck. I felt the familiar burn of desire stir in the pit of my stomach and let out a soft moan, enjoying the feel of Harry's lips against my bare skin.

He pulled away from my neck, his lips level with mine as he tilted his head and leaned forward. I wasted no time meeting him in the middle, our breaths fast and frantic.

If someone was listening to would probably sound like we were having a contest to see who could sound more like an out of breath dog.

His lips were soft but rough as we kissed, his hands resting lightly on my stomach. I was tempted to rip all of my clothes off then and there, but I realised that I didn't have anything to change into afterwards. So it wouldn't have been my smartest idea. I vaguely felt him turn around so that I was pressed against the wall, my hands slipping from his hair and onto his chest.

I could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath his skin, a reassuring beat that proved he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. His mouth was eager and possesive, it was almost like he was afraid that if he stopped kissing me he would never get the chance again.

Never leaving my skin his lips left a trail of kisses along my jaw, his tongue swiping lightly across my collarbone as I let out a low moan. He played with the hem of my shirt obviously getting fed up with it as he lifted it over my head, removing my bra along with it. I quickly followed his led, eagerly pulling his own shirt over his head, exposing his tattoed body which was soon pressed against mine.

Harry's lips once again started to roam south, leaving kisses along my collarbone, to the top of my breasts, tracing patterns with his tongue as he went. I bit down on my lip as his tongue circled my belly button.

I remembered wanting to pierce it, but the outbreak of the living dead decided to crash my party before I got the chance.

He unbuttoned my black jeans, sliding them down my legs, closely followed by my underwear. He stood back up, his gaze level with mine. His eyes were almost black with desire as he cocked his head to the side, a smile tugging at his lips.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He said. "Not even you realise how beautiful you truly are. Perfect. Absolute fucking perfection."

My heart began to beat faster, if that was possible, I was surprised I didn't break any ribs it was beating so fast and I shivered as I felt his hot breath fanning across my bare skin causing my breathing to pick up. Our mouths fought for dominance as I fumbled with the button on his jeans, pulling them down along with his boxers.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now