Going back again....

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I really love the song on the side! It kind of suits the story a bit I think, tell me what you think of the song!!

"So what's the plan now?" Zayn asked me curiously.

I took a mouth full of fruit from the can I had been sharing with Harry before answering. "I don't really know, I wouldn't mind knowing what the hell is up with those soldiers, if that's even what they are."

Zayn nodded. "Yeah, something isn't right with those guys."

"They are so mysterious." Louis added, causing all of us to roll our eyes.

"You're so weird Lou." I said before turning to Zayn again. "So, you want to investigate?"

"Hell yes."

"They went with them." Rose muttered, gazing at the floor. She had been silent the whole night, Grace had sat happily beside me, occasionally eating from my spoon before I got the chance to eat it, cheeky. 

"What did you say?" Harry questioned, the curiosity in his eyes unmissable.

"Our parents......they went with them, the soldiers." Rose explained, finally looking up. 

"I thought you said you didn't know where they were? I thought you said they vanished into thin air?!" My mind was whirling angrily, had she lied to me?

"They did vanish, and I didn't say I knew where they were. I just said they went with soldiers. Where? I don't have a clue." She looked at the ground again as if it held all the secrets of the world. "For all I know, they might not even be with them anymore."

"How do you know they are...or were.....with soldiers?" I asked, I was determined to find out everything she knew, I could see in her eyes that there was a lot she knew, and the fact that I didn't know what she knew...scared me a little.

Rose sighed. "I saw them, about two days after they vanished. Dad....he looked weird, weak and unhealthy. Mum looked fine though, better than fine actually. She was even wearing make-up."

Make-up?! Where would she even get make-up from?

"What the hell is going on." I whispered to myself. Something was happening, maybe my family wasn't all that perfect after all.


 I awoke with an anxious ache in my gut, like I knew something was going to happen.....but I had no idea what. I carefully wriggled out from under Harry's arm, successfully refraining from waking him. The sun was peeking out from the blanket of clouds and shining through the cafe's large, broken windows.

"Where are we going?" I heard a deep, unfamiliar voice coming from outside.

"To a base a few miles north. It's just outside of the city, near the forest." Another masculine voice answered.

A base? North? Just outside of the city? Why were they going there?

"Why are we going there for?"

This guy can read my mind....

"Mrs' orders. Apparently the girl left, been gone for about two months now."

"What are you doing up by yourself?" A husky voice whispered in my ear, causing me to jump.

"Jesus Harry, you scared me." My voice was quiet as I grabbed his hand and lead him away from the windows, away from the men talking just outside.

"What were you doing? It looked like you were concentrating on something."

"I was just thinking about..my parents." I lied.

Harry nodded, his arms snaking around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I was glad he didn't push me for details,  because I would have broken down.

"I miss Liam, and Karen....and Niall." I whispered. I hadn't been all that close to Niall, but he was funny. His need for food got a bit irritating at times, but he was kind. "I want to visit them." Harry was silent as I added, "Tonight."

He sighed. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

"Please, Harry." I begged, I had to know what as going on, I had to see what was going on. I had to know why those men were going there, and I was going to find out, whether Harry came or not.


"So let me get this straight, we are going to walk all the way to....where did you say we were going again?" Zayn asked as we walked through the barren streets.

"My group." I looked at Louis before adding. "Well our group."

"To do what exactly?"

I sighed, I hadn't decided whether I should tell them about the men or not. On one hand I knew I had to, we had to be prepared for everything. But on the other hand....I was afraid that if I told them......they wouldn't let me go. It's wrong I know. But I couldn't help it. Besides, maybe if we went I would find out more about what ever the hell was going on.

"I just feel guilty I guess." I admitted, well that was kind of the truth...I did feel guilty.

"What do you feel guilty for?" Zayn peered at me curiously.

"For leaving. I mean I yelled at him and told him he was stupid...and then I just left. I just feel like I was too harsh...he was just trying to protect us, but he kicked the wrong person out."

Harry squeezed my hand, I had completely forgotten we had been holding hands. A smile worked its way onto my face as we walked down street after street. We were still about two hours or so away from the camp, but that didn't matter. There was still plenty of time before the sun went down, and the monsters came out to play. 

"So why now? Why did you decide you wanted to go today?"

Damn you Zayn. That was exactly the kind of question I was trying to avoid.....I should just get it over and done with..

"I...uh...heard some men...soldiers I think, talking about going up there. I want to know why, if something happened to Liam....or Karen....or even Niall...I don't know what I would do. I want to know what they are going there for, and I will go whether you guys come or not."

"Are you insane Bree-bear?!" Louis exclaimed.

"Come on Lou, we can't just sit around. What if Liam is in trouble?"

"I'm sure it's nothing...we can't go."

"Lou-Lou....what if, what if we don't go...then we find out he was hurt? You and I both know that if we turn back and something does happen, we will feel like it's our fault for not helping."

"Damn you and your ability to guilt trip me." Louis huffed.

"So it's settled then, we are going to find out what's going on." I smiled triumphantly.

I was scared, but excited at the same time. I hoped it was nothing, but I still had an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Everything will be okay, it's nothing.....I hope.....

Follow me on twitter! @CurlyHarrytbh

Question: What have you gotten someone addicted to? And who was it? (sister, brother, mum, friends etc...)

I recently got my sister addicted to Midnight Memories, because i'm awesome like that ;) aha I have sat here listening to it, about 6 times now..... :P I have also got many, many, okay most, of my friends addicted to wattpad, I actually got my mum addicted to it...she's reading on it as I write this ahah :P I have ruined people's lives with wattpad addictions :P

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