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The nervous knot in my stomach hadn't left, no, it had intensified every step we took out of the city. We had been walking the whole day, If I had known it would take this long, there is no way in hell I would have told Rose and Grace to stay behind. Oh jesus....why did I leave them behind?! What is wrong with me?!




They will be fine, absolutely fine. Just concentrate on the task at hand...everything is going to be fine.

I felt slightly better, but only slightly. 

The wind ruffled the trees, reminding me of when I went hunting with Harry. I smiled at the memory and glanced at him, he met my gaze, a breathtaking grin on his lips. God he is gorgeous.

I switched my gaze and focused on the old building up ahead, it had been my home ever since Liam found me and brought me in. That was, what? Like four years ago? Before he found life had been absolute hell. I had spent that first year just waiting for death to claim me. I barely ate, or even moved for that matter. Every second of that first year was spent lying on my bed, in my room, thinking about how different things would be if dead people weren't wandering the streets, and reliving happy memories in my head until I cried myself to sleep. Pathetic. How I survived that long without starving to death or being found is a mystery to me.

As we made our way closer to the building, I spotted an army truck. It was empty but the keys were in the ignition. I wanted to jump in and drive back to the city, but I couldn't. I had to know why soldiers were here.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Harry asked as we stopped and crouched behind a bush. "I mean, we can't just walk in."

"Top secret ninja entrance?" Louis asked, looking at me.

"Top secret ninja entrance." I nodded.

Zayn and Harry glanced at eachother, sharing a look of confusion.

"Just follow, and stay hidden." I told them as I made my way around the old building. I had missed being here, it was home in a strange way. The apocalypse was kind of like a new beginning, I found a new family and a home. Granted, it took me a while...and not everyone was overly fond of me at first, but that's just how things are now. Sometimes you have to risk everything to find someone to trust, even if it means losing others.

For example, I left everyone I had called family, just to find Harry. It was like a crazy trust exercise that life had thrown at me.

"Shhhhhh, listen." Louis raised a hand.

I strained my ears, trying to figure out what Louis had heard. Then I heard it...muffled voices.

"You had one job, and you couldn't even do that." A gruff voice spoke. Who is he talking to?

"I thought....I thought she would come back."


"Mrs will be disappointed."

"Please." I heard Liam beg. "Don't tell her. I will find her, just give me time."

What are they on about? Who's Mrs?

"I have to tell her." The gruff voice spoke again.

"Please, one week....give me one week."

It broke my heart to hear Liam begging. He sounded so stressed.

"I can't do that. You shouldn't have let her leave in the first place."

"No." Liam was angry now, U could hear it. But underneath his anger was a hint of panic, there was an ear-splitting bang and a thud.

Oh god.

Please let Liam be okay, please let-

"Don't let him escape!" A loud male voice boomed angrily.

That's it...I entered the room, ignoring Harry's protests. I couldn't just stand there and listen while they do who knows what to Liam.

The first thing I saw was the body, a man in his late 20's was lying on the floor....completely and utterly dead. A bullet wound in his head.......and blood....a pool of it, surrounding him.

Liam stood in the far corner of the room, horrified with what he had done. At least I think that's why he was horrified. In front of Liam stood a man, not much taller than me. He had his back to me..........perfect. Oh jeeze that made me sound a bit like a phsycho.

I took a catious step towards the man, my heart beating erratically against my ribcage. I tried to refrain from making a sound, and it worked, until Liam spotted me, his eyes widened im shock.

Really Liam?!


He blew my cover.

Thanks....really thank you.

Note the sarcasm.

Luckily, by the time the man realized I was there, it was too late. I had slid the large knife from my boot and pressed it against his neck.

"Make one move, and you're dead." I threatened, my voice was low and menacing.

"Just put the knife down." He said, a slight waver in his voice.

"Like hell." I spat angrily.

"Go ahead, kill me. You won't make it out alive. There are too many of us."

I pressed the blade harder against his flesh. It's times like this that i'm glad I took drama classes. "By the time they figure out you're dead, it will be far too late."

"Just put the knife down, Bree." The man said, gritting his teeth.

I froze, my grip on the knife not loosening one bit. How did he know my name?

"" I stumbled over my words, unable to complete a sentence.

"You don't know?" His voice was teasing and I noticed Liam stiffen.

"Don't know what?"

He laughed darkly. "Liam, would you like to do the honors?"

"Bree.....I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what, Liam?" I snapped, feeling out of the loop. "What's going on?"

"Liam finding you wasn't a coincidence."

"Shut up! Bree, don't listen to him." Liam begged.

"She deserves to know the truth, don't you think, Liam?"

"Would someone just tell me what's going on already?!" I was becoming impatient.

"Liam has been working with-"

"Shut up! Would you shut up!" Liam looked like he was in pain, his eyes showed only one emotion, defeat.

"No, she deserves to know. You did betray her after all."

"Hurry up and tell me what you're talking about for fuck sakes!" That shut Liam up.

"Liam has been working with your Mother."


Omg I dont think I have ever updated so quickly!! You can thank my friend for that. aha. So......Liam drama....shit is about to hit the fan guys. Just thought i'd warn you. :P I wrote this on my I have no clue how long or short or whatever this chapter is. If there are any mistakes I will fix them when I go on the computer!

Question: What is something that happened that really annoyed you?

Follow me on twitter! @CurlyHarrytbh

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now