"It's called luck, and it will run out."

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Thank you to love2hateforever for the amazing cover photo! It is now the new cover (obviously :P) and it's on the side as well >>>>

Read on my lovelies!

After being dragged, literally, out of bed by Louis, I made my way into the main room. Harry's arm draped comfortably across my shoulders and I wrapped an arm loosely around his waist. 

"What's the rush, Lou?" I asked, yawning.

"We get to go into the city!"

"Why are we going into the city?" I was slightly confused, shouldn't we be avoiding the city?

"Because we need to get more food." Louis said as if it was no big deal.

"Is it really safe? I mean who knows what could happen."

Who knows how many soldiers are wandering around out there, and most of them will be searching for me. Surely he knew that, surely everyone knew that. I didn't want to risk anything bad happening. I didn't want to get caught. Who knew what would happen if that caught me, caught us. It was too dangerous, couldn't we just hunt for food? It would be safer than going into the city where absolutely anything could happen. 

"It will be fine. We are good at staying safe." 

Good at staying safe? He had to be kidding. We had been so close to getting caught before. Almost to the point where I wanted to hide in a hole somewhere and live there until I died, kind of like a depressed teenager.......but without the depressed part. I was scared, not for myself, but for the people around me. The people I had grown to care for, the people I had grown to love. Without them, I probably would be hiding in a hole somewhere, alone, cold and hungry. There had been a point when I basically did live like that, but the 'hole' had been my room. I almost wished I was still there, I almost wished that Liam had never taken me in. Because if he hadn't, I wouldn't be in such a frightening situation. Because of me, these people were in danger. Because of me they could be killed. For all I knew I could be leading them closer, and closer to their death right now, and I wouldn't know until it was too late.

I sighed. "It's called luck, and it will run out."


It had taken a lot longer than we thought it would to find food, like I said, our luck was bound to run out sooner or later. And, unfortunately, it had run out sooner. A lot sooner than I had thought. We had been walking around for hours, I should have realized that the lack of soldiers was a hint, a hint that our luck was burning into ashes, and those ashes had just floated away, leaving us in the dark, the moon overhead and the stars twinkling mockingly in the sky. They seemed to be saying, 'look, your luck is like us, a star, a dying star.'

"Maybe we should find somewhere to sleep..." Karen suggested.

"Yeah, but where are we supposed to go?" Dakota asked, her boyfriend pulling her into his side.

A thought struck me. "Zayn?"


"Do you have a place around here?"

It looked like a light-bulb had just appeared above his head and his eyes twinkled. "Yeah, I do actually. Follow me."

He looked around for a second to determine our location before walking further down the street and turning into a dark alleyway.

Oh great, a dark alleyway. They were scary enough during the day, let alone at night....when dead people were wandering around searching for living flesh to munch on. We had only run into a few infected so far, and I hoped it stayed that way. I was anxious, every step I took I found myself preparing for something to reach out and grab me. Nothing ever did though.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now