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Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

That was all I had been doing for the last...I don't even know how long. I hadn't joined in with the small conversations that took place, I hadn't smiled or cried. I couldn't find it in me to mourn my father's death. He would want me to be strong, to keep my head held high.

Because one mistake was all it took for everything to crumble down. We couldn't afford to make that mistake. If we did, we would all die.

There were no if's or but's about it. We would die if we took a single step in the wrong direction. I would not be the one to take that step.

I couldn't remember what happened between the elevator and here, but the one second I was stood in a small space, and the next I was in Harry's arms as he held me in the back of a truck. How did I even get in here?

I didn't really care, all that mattered was we were getting out of here.

The truck began to move as I snuggled into Harry's chest, his arms tightened around me. I felt so tired, my heart stung with the loss of my father, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. At least I wasn't crying-

Never mind...tears were running down my face, sneaky little shits. I didn't even notice.

Ninja tears.

They snuck up on me when I wasn't looking.

It felt like someone had stabbed a knife in my heart and twisted it, I wanted to scream, but I was too afraid. I didn't know what would happen from this moment on, all I really knew was that my tears wouldn't dry tonight.

I would much rather wake up in an empty house than this battleground.

I would give anything to go back to before, I didn't want any of this to be happening. But there wasn't much I could do. As long as we didn't get bitten, we should be fine. For now.

"Shhhhh..." Harry cooed, his hand rubbing comforting circles on my back. "I'll keep you safe, baby."

I wiped my cheeks, looking into his eyes. He always seemed to take my breath away. No matter what he did, he was always perfect.

"I'll protect you." He whispered, kissing my forehead softly. "I love you."

"I love you..." I mumbled as I felt myself slipping into a slumber.


I sat up, my breathing frantic as I looked around, taking in my surroundings.

What the....


Oh god, what happened? Why was I here? Where was everyone?

The room I sat in was white, a glass wall dividing the room in half. On the other side of the glass were a whole lot of infected, they groaned in pain but didn't seem to take notice of my presence.

How had I gotten here? Where was everyone else? Were they okay?

"Bree, you're awake. I'm glad." Her voice was cold, unwelcoming.

"Where are they?" I yelled. "What have you done to them?"

"Oh dear, I haven't done anything to them." Mother laughed darkly, her lips stained with red lipstick. "You can't protect them forever."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded, wondering what the hell was going on.

"You can't all get through this without getting harmed." She continued. "Sooner or later someone is going to get hurt, what will you do then?"

"Shut up." I pleaded, covering my ears.

"Who will get hurt first? I wonder, maybe that Harry boy, or that friend of yours, Karen." She pretended to ponder over this for a second before continuing. "Or Dakota, or Louis. What about your brother, Liam? Niall could get hurt first, or Zayn."

"Shut up!" I tried desperately to shut her voice out, but it was no use. Her voice taunted me.

"Gemma could get hurt first, and then there is Rose and Grace. Who knows, maybe they will get hurt first."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"


I woke up with a start, my hands clutching my head as sweat trickled down the side of my face. It was all a dream.

I looked around, noticing that we were in the cabin again. I couldn't remember getting out of the truck so I figured I had been asleep. Glancing at my side I noticed Harry, laying on his side, snoring.

I couldn't bring myself to lie back down and sleep, I was afraid that I would end up back in that horrifying room with that evil woman, if I could even get to sleep that is.

As quietly as I could I climbed out of the small bed, careful not to wake Harry. The cold air was soothing against my hot skin, my feet carrying me into the lounge area and out the front door. Nothing was out here. I sat down, my head tilting towards the sky. Stars twinkled brightly, it was beautiful.

My heart rate began to calm and I started to sing, softly and quietly. "What if daddy was right, what if there's no forever. Would you kiss me goodnight? So that I could remember?" I took a shaky breathe. "Keep you frozen in time, like they do in the pictures. And if I close my eyes, would I still think of patience?" Tears formed in my eyes, my mind wandering as the lyrics flowed from my lips. "Stay with me, don't disappear. To tell the truth, I need you here. I'm afraid, can barely breath, I need your words, to comfort me. Say goodnight, would you say goodnight?"

Every word that left my mouth brought a new tear, a new thought, and a new pain. "What if daddy was right? And I knew all the answers? They could give me the world, but that wouldn't matter." I kept thinking about what I would do if Harry got hurt, I knew I would be lost. "If the gates open wide, and made you an angel, through tears in my eyes, I'd save your seat at the table." My voice was shaky but I just kept singing, the stars smiling down at me. "Stay with me, don't disappear. To tell the truth, I need you here. I'm afraid, can barely breath, I need your words, to comfort me. Say goodnight, would you say goodnight?"

I took a deep breathe, attempting to calm myself. "Stay with me, don't disappear. To tell the truth, I need you here. I'm afraid, can barely breathe. I need your words to comfort me. Say goodnight, would you say goodnight?" As the last word left my lips, my tears continued to outline trails along my cheeks. Each tear represented a different fear.

My fear of losing Harry, of losing anyone. How could I keep everyone safe?

My fear of what was to come. What would happen now?

My fear for myself. Would I ever make it out alive?

My fear of being a danger to everyone around me. What had my mother done to me?

"That was beautiful..." Someone said from beside me.

I turned, startled by the voice. "Harry..."

"Come here." He sat beside me and pulled me onto his lap. His heartbeat was steady and comforting beneath my ear and I noticed he had tears in his eyes.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

"Of what?" He asked softly, his hand playing with my hair.

"Losing you."

He placed his hands on my shoulders, gazing at me intently. "I'm not going anywhere."

Our lips collided, my tears mixing with his. In that moment nothing else mattered. I knew we were heading towards something big, but with Harry's lips on mine, it didn't seem to matter. Not in that instant. All that mattered was the love that surrounded us like a golden mist.

I pulled back, yet another tear forming in the corner of my eye.

Harry reached out, the tip of his index finger catching the tear before it could fall. He placed the finger in the corner of his eye, my tear dissolving into his. "No more tears...." He whispered before he caught my lips again.

A/N Song on the side is what Bree was singing.. Goodnight by Cher Lloyd.

Love you all! Vote away!

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now