Into the darkness...

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I fell to my knees, the adrenaline fading, leaving me exhausted and weak. Beads of sweat dotted my skin as I took deep, calming breaths. Everything seemed to be spinning, my vision was blurry, and my head was aching. I felt weird and disorientated, upset and angry. I was sure I would pass out any second, and I almost did, then I heard a sound, a horrible sound, the last sound I ever wanted to hear. Could I never catch a break? Was the whole world out to get me?

I had to run, we had to run. What would happen if we got caught? Death most likely. The low rumble of the engine began to draw nearer as each second passed, it was time to move, now.

I stood to my feet and began to stumble towards the building my sisters had been all alone in. They were all there, watching, shocked. I couldn't tell if they had even noticed the hunk of metal that could round the corner at any second.

"We need to hide." I looked at Rose, she seemed wary, well you did just kill some people, if you can even call them that, "Is there like a basement? Somewhere we will all be safe?"

"Yeah, follow me."

We were standing in the room again, the flowery blankets laid carefully on the floor, everything was in place. Rose walked towards the blankets and kicked them out of the way, a very heavy looking door had been conveniently placed for us to hide under.

The door was pulled open, revealing a set of stairs that spiralled into darkness. If I wasn't so afraid of what was waiting outside, I would have refused to journey down into the seemingly bottomless pit that was those stairs.

We started the descent into nothingness, my heart beating furiously in my chest. I took a shaky breath as fingers entwined with mine, I didn't need to ask who it was, I already knew.

There was nothing more I wanted than to just lie with him, with Harry. I wanted to feel his arms around me, I wanted his lips, his body, his sweet words, I wanted him. And I wanted him to want me too.

"Down here." Rose whispered, motioning towards a ladder. I already knew where it would lead down to, and to say I was reluctant was an understatement, I was dreading going down there. I could smell the stench already, eugh. Well, here goes nothing, I thought as I gripped the cold metal and made my way down.


"So this whole time, you thought I caused all this?" I was currently in some old cafe, sitting on a weak chair with Grace on my lap. Harry had told me to stay put with my sisters while he looked for food with Louis and Zayn, so I decided to find out what lies my Mum had filled my sister's head with, and so far it seemed only Rose had believed her.

"Well, yeah. That's what she made us believe. She did seem a bit crazy though." Rose shrugged.

"What do you mean by crazy?"

"I would just hear her muttering to herself, or she would stare at the wall and smile. It was like she knew something, and one day she just up and left, Dad too."

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a moment to take in this information. How could my parents have gone completely off their nut? How could a few of their screw s come loose? They were my parents for fuck sake's, they were supposed to be perfect, not mentally insane.

"What did you hear her muttering?" I asked curiously.

Rose shuddered as if the memory was enough to creep her out. "She would just sit there, telling the wall how everything was going as planned, that her 'special gift' would be found soon enough. Whatever that meant."

"Anything else?"

"hmmm....." She thought for a moment before a wave of realization took over her features. "She said you-"

"I found some food!" Harry ran into the room, his face lit up with a grin, in his hands he held three cans.

A smile made its way on my face as I watched him, his happiness was contagious. I got up from my seat and grabbed one of the cans. "Canned pear halves."

"And....." He held up one of the cans for me to see.

"Fruit salad..." I read.

"I was going to eat it all by myself but.....I can share, if you say the magic word." Harry held the can behind his back, a smug smirk on his face.

I sighed, "Please!"

"Nope, not good enough!"

"Please Harold!"

"Don't call me that!" He placed the can on a half rotten table before grabbing me by the waist.

"Hey!" I yelped, giggling. I felt so free and untroubled in that moment. Nothing else mattered except the feel of Harry's large hands on my waist as he spun me around. After years of trying to hide, and survive, I was finally living. Actually living, not dragging my feet, not dreading every day, but living. Even with all the danger of getting caught, I felt more free than I ever had. I felt alive.

I was always a good girl, but I wasn't an angel. Sure, I did sin, but I wasn't the devil. I was just a small girl, in a big world, trying to find someone to love, trying to find someone that made me feel alive. And I may have found him.

Follow me on twitter!! @CurlyHarrytbh

Question: What is your favourite or most cringe worthy memory of 2013?!?!?!

My favourite would have to be starting college, I have made so many amazing friends and I have even planned to move to London sometime in the future after I finish all my schooling and get some money ahaahhaha can't go anywhere without that :P

My most cringe worthy moment of 2013 would have to be when this guy had a crush on me and he told this girl that i'm friends with that he wanted me to 'have his babies' so I ran outside and my friend was yelling "I will not let you taint her womb!"
It was hilarious but also very cringe worthy!

I shared mine! Now share yours!!! You have to, if you don't I will hunt you down! :P

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