Walking in the sun.

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Thank you so much to everyone who has been voting!! *Getting teary eyed* I just thought I would say that I'm basically on this journey with you because I'm not 100% sure of most of the stuff that will end up happening! I have some ideas, but I'm sure I'll think of more ways to screw everyone over :P ahaha. 

I just listened to 'she wolf (falling to pieces)' by David Guetta ft Sia, while writing this chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to..........  love2hateforever, you're comment made me so happy :) so thank you. 


I could only stare, the scene unfolding before my eyes. I didn't understand how it was even possible. How was this happening? I peered up at the sun as if checking to see if it was still there, it was, and as bright as ever. 

I was trying to focus on what was walking towards us, but it was difficult. I still hadn't fully recovered from what my sister had said. Her accusations swirled round and round my mind, causing a headache to surface.

I watched, slightly dazed and unfocused, as Zayn and Louis appeared beside us, expressions filled with shock and confusion.

"Are you guys seeing this too? Or was there something in those canned peaches I ate?" Louis asked.

"I'm seeing it too." I whispered, watching as three infected stumbled towards us.

Nothing like this had ever happened before, nothing like this was ever supposed to happen, and I quote, 'It has been reported that no infected citizen can walk in the light of the sun.' I could still hear the reporters voice in my head, a constant reminder of the only good thing about infected, we could still go outside. We could still live without hiding behind barricaded doors every painful second, of every painful day, because of the sun. The sun was supposed to be a safe haven, an escape from the hellish horrors that lurked within the shadows.

But when I looked at them, the infected, they seemed unaffected, immune even, to the sun's bright rays. It wasn't possible for them to evolve, right? Images, a memory, of a man in uniform, hauling a limp woman over his shoulder, flashed in my already haunted mind, and I was sure, so sure, that something was going on....I just didn't know what it was, yet.

 "How is this even possible?" I heard someone whisper, Zayn maybe, I couldn't really tell, I was too busy drowning in my fear. What if there were more? Would we be able to fight them all off? 

I hadn't realized I had reached into my boot and grabbed my knife, until I was stalking towards the closest of the infected, adrenaline pumping through my suddenly murderous veins. I didn't know what had possessed me to confront them, especially alone. The boys and my sisters were just standing there, watching me. It was like they couldn't process what I was doing, to be completely honest, I couldn't even process what I was doing.

There was a growl, a splutter, and a thud. My heart hammered in my chest as the knife sliced through the rotten flesh of the creatures neck and it fell to the ground, writhing in pain. I searched the ground before my eyes landed on a large piece of rubble. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, as I slammed it into the infected's skull. thunk it was done. One down two to go. 


*Unknown POV* (Well unknown to you anyway :3)

I walked down the white, sterile, hall, bustling with scientists and doctors as they talked in hushed whispers. They acted like no one else was supposed to know what they were talking about, even though everyone knew. We were all down here, deep in the ground, for the same reason. We were all doing the same things, saying the same things. Tests, plans, all for the subjects. We will change everything.

I had been with this organization for years, long before the infected broke out. So many people contributed that day, so many people.....anyway, that's not the point. The point is, we will change the world. Some people may think we're crazy, but we're not. Everything happens for a reason, we did this for a reason, we left our families and lied for a reason. Sure it was taking longer than we had planned, but so what? We were getting there.

No one looked at me as I swiped my card, the 'click' sounding as the door unlocked. The room was split in two by a thick glass wall, behind the glass infected growled. Their flesh as gorgeous and rotten as always. There were strands of black hair covering parts of the floor, and an occasional finger, but that was expected, they were crazy after all. And hungry, so hungry. They will be sent out soon enough.

"Patience my lovelies." I whispered, laying one hand against the glass as they pounded against it in an attempt of escape. "Patience."

 Sorry it's so short!!! 

Okay I just watched the last part of pewdiepie playing 'The last of us: Left behind' and no, just no. Crying, I just can't...I can't...can't. I have lost the ability to CAN!  :'( That kiss though :') Rellie <3

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