Cold and alone

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I was cold, I was hungry, I didn't know where I was, I didn't know where I was going. But I kept moving forward. I had been walking for ages, my feet were aching, my throat was dry, I was out of breath. But I kept moving forward. I wanted to stop, I wanted to sleep, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. But I kept moving forward.

There was only one thing that could stop me, the night. I hadn't even noticed the sun as it painted it's decent across the sky, and before I knew it everything was dark and I could barely see. I hadn't thought this far, hadn't thought about where I would hide out, where I would wait for the sun to rise and protect me. I stopped in my tracks, listening for sounds. I could hear infected, they were down the street, banging against an old house.

One of them turned, growling when it spotted me. It started to walk towards me, one infected...I can deal with can't be too difficult, right? The infected continued stumbling towards me, it's loud snarls causing the whole pack to turn. shit, shit, shit. I began to back away but stopped when I heard another low growl from behind me. Turning, I came face to face with rotting flesh. A scream erupted from my throat, fear threatening to paralyzing me. It began to reach towards me just as a large knife lodged itself in the infected's head.

A hand grabbed my arm and I turned to see a boy, his face unshaven.

"We need to get out of here, like now." He said.

"No arguments here. Show me the way." I followed his lead, clutching my knife in my hand, looking from left to right, making sure no infected got too close.


"Well, here we are." He turned in a full circle, his arms above his head.

I peered at the concrete walls and floor, there were broken fairy lights hanging on one wall and a half-decent couch against the same wall. There was a large bed in the corner, with thick, warm blankets. A large wardrobe barricaded a door, that I guessed lead upstairs. "It's nice." I said, my eyes searching every inch of the room. "You know...for a basement."

He shrugged. "Yeah, it's safe as well."

I nodded. "So, can we reach Narnia through here or...?" I walked over to the wardrobe, marvelling at it's intricate carvings.

He laughed. "Nah, that's where I store all the people I kill. I ran out of food ages I just figured people were the next best thing."

I searched his face, relief washing over me when I caught the amused expression in his eyes. "Well, you could have gone hunting in the forest, but if you prefer cannibalism.....that's okay too." I shrugged, faking seriousness. "You know what?"


"I don't even know your name."

"Oh right, I'm Zayn." He extended his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Bree." I took his hand gratefully.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"What were you doing out at night, alone?" Zayn gave me a confused look and I scuffed my feet.

"Uh, I left my group...."

"You did what?! Why would you do that?!"

I shrugged. "It's kind of a long story, but I'm looking for someone, you haven't seen a curly haired guy wandering by any chance, have you?"

He thought for a moment. "I saw a guy walk through here earlier, but his hair wasn't was more...side-swept. It looked like he was searching for someone."

Side-swept......."Do you remember what he was wearing?" I asked.

"Um, I think he was wearing a faded striped shirt, and khaki pants."

"And his hair was brown?" Realization was hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"Yeah....why? Do you know him?"

I groaned. "I'm pretty sure. Was he saying anything when you saw him?" I asked hopefully, trying to confirm my thoughts.

"Yeah, he was saying something about handcuffs."

I sighed. "That's definitely Louis."

"How do you know?" He asked.

I laughed. "Because he said if I left he would tie our wrists together."

"Wow.....will he actually do it?"

" depends whether he finds something to tie our wrists together with."

"He was twirling a pair of handcuffs around his index finger." Zayn said, a smirk on his face.

"Well I'm screwed...."

"I would say so." He nodded. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get some beauty sleep."

"I can sleep on the couch." I started walking towards the couch but a hand grabbed my wrists, making me stop and turn.

"You sleep on the bed, I'll go on the couch."

"No, it's fine." I insisted.

"You are sleeping in the bed. No arguments."

"But-" I started to protest but stopped when Zayn scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed.

"Goodnight!" He literally skipped, very badly I must say, over to the couch before snuggling under the blanket.

I rolled my eyes. "Night."


"Morning sunshine!" A deep voice yelled.

I rubbed my eyes, blinking until my vision adjusted. "Nice to see you too beautiful." I laughed.

"I am beautiful, aren't I." Zayn fluttered his eyelids dramatically.

I rolled my eyes, laughing, as I climbed out of bed. "That was the best sleep I have ever had."

"Glad I let you sleep in the bed?" He asked.


"So, what's your plan for today?"

I thought for a moment. "I guess I'm just going to keep walking, see if I can find Louis or Harry, then find somewhere to wait at night."

"Or.....I come with you, help you look for your friends, and at night we stay in one of the basements I have all over the place."

"Wait you have more of these places?" I asked.

"I have them placed all over the city."

"Well, that must come in handy."

He nodded. "It really does. Well, we should get going. Don't want to waste time."


We walked through the trash filled street, our eyes searching through the rubble, watching for any signs of movement. We had been walking for about two hours, well that's what I guessed. For once it was quite warm, with only a light breeze gliding through the air. I still couldn't believe how pathetic everything looked, so broken and weak. The further we walked, the worse it got.

I stopped in my tracks, Zayn freezing in place, his eyes wide with fear and shock. My heart thudded as I took in the scene in front of me.

A man in a soldier uniform stood beside someone, the wind ruffling their brown curls. They both had their backs to us, completely oblivious to our presence.

The man had his gun pressed against the boy's head, Harry's head. My breath caught in my throat.

The trigger was pulled, the gunshot sounded, and a body hit the ground. 

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now