"Cut it off."

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This chapter is dedicated to the awesome KayaMcPaya because I'm literally getting a notification every few minutes from them voting for every chapter. Thank you so much!

Also a big thank you to EVERYONE who votes and comments and reads! Love you all x


I felt the room spinning beneath my feet, my hands were shaking and my mouth was dry. It felt like I had been standing there for days, my heart beating frantically in my chest as I tried to decipher exactly what was going on. My eyes scanned everyone, Louis had his arm around my shoulders as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I couldn't tell what he was saying, my head was pounding and I couldn't hear a thing.

I couldn't even hear Rose as she screamed in agony on the couch, blood gushing from the bite wound as she tried to keep her hand clamped over her wrist.

Liam was in a similar state to me, complete an utter shock. His mouth was agape, his hands hung loosely by his sides, unable to do a thing as Grace clung to his leg.

Dakota and AJ were frantically searching through cupboards for anything they could use. They kept muttering things like, 'Where are the bloody bandages?!' and 'Where the fuck did you hide everything, Jesus?!'

Niall was holding Karen as she cried, she kept repeating the same word, over and over again. "No....no...no...."

And then there was Harry, covered in blood. Gemma was checking him for any injuries, tears gathering in her eyes as she glanced at Rose. Harry didn't seem to be in any pain, but there could easily be a bite hidden somewhere under the blood he was covered in. That thought frightened me more than I could have ever imagined.

I could barely deal with Rose's bite, if Harry was bitten as well....I think I would lose it.

I had already lost it, really. I just didn't know what would happen if he was bitten as well. If I had to guess, I think I would go on a rampage. My mother would be first on my list.

My feet were slow and unsteady as they walked towards the thing that had caused this in the first place. The thing that had ruined my night.

The infected body that was sprawled across the floor.

I knelt beside the hideous creature, my stomach churning with disgust. There was a folded piece of paper attached to its neck by a string. I carefully removed it, my eyes only focused on the small object. what was written on it?

I could feel a few people's eyes on me, watching my every move.

Dakota was still cursing at Jesus, her hands rifling through every drawer. "Dammit Jesus, stop hiding everything from us." She muttered, completely unaware of anything that was happening around her.

My hands shook as I unfolded the paper, desperate to read whatever was written.

If anything was written.

I took a deep breath, scanning the printed words on the page. It was only a short note, but it was enough. I ripped the paper into tiny pieces, the message now unreadable. The words still bounced around my mind, taunting and echoing. I could almost imagine her face as she said it, over and over, an evil smirk painted across her lips.

I told you, didn't I? I told you that you can't save everyone.

It couldn't end like this....Rose couldn't end like this!

There had to be something we could do....

Then, an idea pounced on me. It was extremely far-fetched and could end very badly, but it was the only idea I had.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now