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Previously in: Still Not Bitten.

I focused on what was happening just in time to see one of the men reach for his trigger.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I glared at him.

"Do what?" He pretended he didn't know what I was talking about, who did he think he was fooling?

"How are your kneecaps feeling?" Harry questioned, the barrel of his gun aimed at the man's head.

I glanced between them, confused, but before I could get a word in, a gunshot sounded and everyone froze.


The sound was deafening, I had barely recovered before another shot was fired, screams erupting around me.

I watched as a bullet flashed through the air, lodging itself into the man's skull. He didn't make a sound as he fell to the ground, red surrounding him.

I looked around at everyone else, trying to figure out who got hit with the first bullet, no one seemed injured at all...they were all looking at-


My gaze swept downwards, my fingers were red from clutching my stomach.

I couldn't feel anything, no pain, no discomfort, nothing.

Was I even breathing?!

Yes, of course I was. I would be dead if I wasn't. Idiot. 

I couldn't seem to find the bullet, surely it couldn't have gotten too far, right?

"Where did it go...?" The last remaining soldier whispered, shock and disbelief splashed across his hard features. "It just.....disappeared...." 

I pressed my hand to the wound, wanting to stop the blood flow before I passed out, but the wound had closed. The only evidence that I had even been injured was the dried blood on my fingers and the hole in my shirt.

I blinked, waiting for the blood to pour out again, waiting for the pain to hit, but it never did.

Everyone just stared.

"It happened again..." Niall muttered.

"What?" Harry asked, confusion rolling off of him like waves.

"She gets hurt...but it just heals itself...."

Images of the skin on my knuckles knitting back together flashed through my mind, I had always healed fast...but it was unnatural. I always thought it was a bit weird, I was just too oblivious. I brushed it off as if it never happened and moved on with my life. But it wasn't as easy to just move on now.

I turned towards the man, who was still staring intently at my stomach. "You're going to get us out of here." I stated, not leaving any room for argument.

"W-w-what?" He stuttered.

"Don't act like you didn't hear me." I stepped into the elevator, Gemma and the girls following my lead. Niall and Zayn quickly hauled the fallen body out into the hall before squeezing into the small space again.

Gemma seemed to be lost in her own world, her eyes were vacant and her breathing was shallow and uneven.

"Right, um, sorry...I-uh- yeah..." He muttered as he clicked a button.

The doors slid shut and I turned to face Harry.

He looked tired, but as gorgeous as ever. He smiled, worry slowly slipping away. He grabbed my hand, pulling me into him for a hug.

I wrapped my arms around him, my head laying on his chest. I let his scent consume me. How he managed to smell so good in an apocalypse I have no idea.

But...oh my god...yum.

"I was so worried about you..." His voice was muffled as he nuzzled into my neck.

"I love you." I whispered, the feel of his lips turning up into a grin made my heart flutter.

"I love you." He pulled back just enough to place his soft lips on mine, the sensation made my stomach burn with desire. 

"You should have stayed at the cabin." I said. "I would have came back for you."

"I will always look for you." 

"It would have been safer for everyone."

"We weren't going to just sit there and wait for you to come back." He argued, not agreeing with my statement one bit.

Even though he was wrong!

And I was right.

I was always right.

Okay, maybe not always.

"At least your not hurt." I sighed, if he had been hurt, things would be a lot worse and I would have a lot more blood on my hands.

"Did they hurt you?" Harry asked, concerned. "Because if anyone laid a finger on you, I swear I'll-"

"Calm down, I'm fine." I found his protectiveness so attractive. Was that wrong? 


Suddenly Gemma began rapidly blinking, her gaze trained on Harry as she tried to make sense of what was in front of her.

"Harry...?" She questioned, seemingly unsure of herself.

"Hey Gemma...." He sent her a weak smile, leaving me extremely confused.

They knew each other? How?

"Where the fuck have you been?!" She snapped, tears welling in her eyes.

"I could say the same to you." He mumbled, a sad, teasing smile on his lips.

"Come here you asshole." Gemma pulled him into a warm hug, his strong arms pulling her close. "I love you so much." She whispered, tears staining her smooth cheeks.

"I love you too little sister."

"I'm older than you!" She laughed, her eyes shining.

"But you're shorter than me, so you're little."

"Still stronger than you though." Gemma teased.

"You wish." Harry smiled before entwining his fingers with mine and pulling me into his side. "Gemma is my sister."

"I figured." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Small world."

It made so much sense now, they both shared similar features. They were both undeniably attractive and just the way they acted seemed so similar.

It was hard to explain.....but they were quite similar.

"Uh...guys..?" The soldier questioned, slightly nervous.


"Someone's trying to use the elevator..."

"And that means......?" I asked, starting to get nervous myself.

"We're about to stop at their floor."

"Who is it?" Karen jumped in, her voice curious.

"I don't know, but we're about to find out..." Zayn said, his eyes darted between the soldier and the doors. 

Whatever happened next could decide whether or not we ever get out of here, and that thought scared the shit out of me.

Still not bitten (Zombie apocalypse) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now