Cruel days went by leaving me unscathed.
After my little 'unveiling' with Dolorian, I'd told no one about what I'd found out or what we'd spoken of. I couldn't. After the attacks and Falcon's death, the people of Avon wanted every demon's head on a stick and knowing I was half that...I couldn't risk my own life.
I tried my hardest to keep to myself, but my sentencing was I had to be escorted by a guard anywhere and the only person I really tolerated was Enrique, who surprisingly wasn't pleased on having to babysit me all day.
Avon was calm and quiet. During my patrolling with Enrique, scouting the cities, fixing the damage done by the attacks, I couldn't help but think of the giant load of crazy that was just suddenly dumped on me. I couldn't fixate too hard on it or Enrique would notice. When I wasn't at his side, I was at Gwen's preparing for my still approaching wedding.
I honestly had no idea how I didn't lose my mind in that proceeding week. All I had to think about was how I just didn't fit in anymore, how everyone around me became like pretend walls crumbling down around me. I even felt as though people felt it too; just the way they stared at me as if they knew my secret and whispered words under their breath when my back was turned. I was an alien to them.
"Gwen, I honestly think I'm going throw up if I have to try on one more dress," I said peevishly, hidden from behind a beige curtain, trying to ignore the reflection I cast in the mirror.
Sadly, when the days came that I was off duty, Gwen snatched me up, dragging me to the nearest wedding dress shop and forced a hundred dresses on me at a time. If Dolorian had any good ideas for a good punishment for what I'd done, this would be it.
"C'mon, Lilith, you're wedding is on its way. You only get to look this beautiful once." I could only imagine Gwen racing around with an armful of twenty dresses just waiting to throw them over into the stall.
I rolled my eyes as I continued to zip myself out of a tight silky white flowing dress. "Isn't this overdoing it though? I wouldn't mind just going casual. I don't think Enrique would mind either."
From behind the curtain, I heard Gwen snicker. "You can never overdo it at your own wedding. Here I have more for you to try on."
I growled as she tossed the white heap of dresses up and over into the stall where they landed in a messy pile at my feet.
Muttering cuss words under my breath as I began to shrug one of them on, I froze when I heard a low male authority filled voice from behind the curtain.
"Is Lilith Black here?"
"Uh, y-yeah she's behind there, what is this all about?"
I frowned, listening to Gwen's shaky voice grow more worried and unsettled. I instantly dropped the dress and poked my head outside, covering the rest of myself up with the curtain. Standing there was little Gwen shaking in her leather boots and silver knee length dress cornered by two muscular Capital Guardians with smooth golden armor, broad grey wings and deep blue eyes that shot over to me.

Fallen (Undergoing editing)
Teen FictionI never thought it would end like this. I always thought I had a home. I always thought I had a family, but as it turns out, my past is darker than the lies they told me and the truth they kept from me.