"I hope you don't mind a little late night dining," Raven said as we entered a grand kitchen with about a thirty cupboards and cabinets, pots and pans all hanging above several islands and three sinks on each side of the room, not mentioning the three freezers and four wide tall fridges.
My stomach growled in anticipation as Raven waltzed over to the cupboards, rattling through, pulling out two mugs.
"Up for a little late snacking half blood?" said a bodiless voice.
I turned to the far side of the room where a dark shadow slunk into the light revealing Demetrius's teasing grin as he toyed with an apple in his hand.
I sneered at him as I leaned against the counter. "I have a name, demon."
Demetrius tore a large chunk out of his apple flashing me a full-mouthed grimace with bits of apple chunks peaking through his teeth.
"Couldn't find someone else to bother, Demi?" Raven said, sounding preoccupied as she stood on her tiptoes, reaching into one of the higher cupboards.
He simply rolled his eyes as he marched over to her and without stretching, pulled out a small tin can and laid it on the counter by her hand.
"Short," he grumbled under his breath and honestly, I agreed. I hadn't noticed how short Raven really was compared to her brother's lanky figure, but she sure made up for it with attitude.
Her lilac eyes flashed darkly as she snatched the can into her hands and stomped over to a kettle and starting boiling some water with her back facing us.
"So, tell me, half blood," Demetrius said resting his back against the fridge, completely ignoring Raven as she tugged on it, trying to shove him over in the process, but it looked like an ant trying to move a house. "What's it like living with angels? I've always wondered."
I shrugged, sliding a small salt shaker back and forth between my thumbs. "Do you get on everyone's nerves or is it just me?"
Demetrius scrunched up his face and danced out of the way, letting Raven into the fridge. "Oh, come now love," he said smoothly crunching down on his apple. "I've been a bad boy lately, I admit that, but I'm hoping we can get past the nasty bits we've been through and become friends. What do you say, hmm?" he paced around me, flicking one finger up the back of my neck tauntingly raising the hairs on my arms.
I snatched his thin piano finger into my grip and jerked it at an odd angle, but he didn't seem to react. "The only thing keeping me from putting my blade through you is your precious master, but as soon as his head's turned the other way, you'll pay for what you did to Falcon, I can promise you that."
Demetrius dropped his apple so it rolled across the counter, past the sink and on to the floor with a clunk. Faster than I could deflect, he grabbed my forearm, bent me against the counter, pinning my other arm, looming over me, close enough that I saw the tease melt out of his eyes replaced with something dangerous.
"You're new," he growled. "So let me put it past you gingerly. I don't take well to threats, I get a little..." He shivered for effect. "Tense. So, I wouldn't go throwing them around unless you've got the nerve to put them in place." I hissed in pain as he pressed harder so my wounds pressed into the edge of the counter top. His charcoal eyes glittered past me to the floor, his mouth curving into a silky grin. "Now, you've made me drop my apple." He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Rude."
With a snap of his hands, he released me and bent to pick up his apple, wiping it off on his hip, smirking at me before he bit into it and disappeared from the kitchen, snickering under his breath.

Fallen (Undergoing editing)
Teen FictionI never thought it would end like this. I always thought I had a home. I always thought I had a family, but as it turns out, my past is darker than the lies they told me and the truth they kept from me.