001: Meeting Again

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*Rudy's POV*

Today me and the rest of the OBX cast decided to go hang out at the beach. It was our last day before we started filming season two, and although filming was fun most of the time, we still wanted to enjoy the remaining time that we had off.

All of the main cast was here, me, Chase, Mads (Madelyn), Maddie (Madison), Drew, JD, and Austin. Elaine was here too. She's good friends with everyone, so she comes along with us a lot when we go out as a cast. Me and her have been dating since around halfway through filming season one. She's one of the few people that I've dated since high school. I mean yeah, I've had a few flings here and there, but Elaine is one of my more serious relationships that I've had over the years.

I haven't had a really serious relationship since high school. Me and her were high school sweethearts. Everyone thought we would end up getting married. Then I moved to LA to pursue my acting career, and we had to part ways. We both decided it was for the best, since a long distance relationship wouldn't really workout what with all her practices for volleyball and my auditions and filming. It broke us both, or at least me, but I eventually buried the feelings and focused on my career.

We haven't seen each other in years, and I think the odds are pretty low that we'll ever cross paths again.

Our group made its way down the beach, to our usual spot. While filming last season we went to the beach a lot, and we always went to the same spot. I can't deny, I've missed being in South Carolina with everyone. We've grown so close over filming that we're basically family now.

I'm pulled out of my thought when I hear someone shouting.
"Hey! Look out!"

I don't have time to process what they said though, because right after I get hit in the back of the head with a frisbee.

Someone comes running up to me and starts trying to see if I'm alright. I can't help but chuckle at how worried she is. I turn around to tell her that's it's all good, but the words die in my throat as I see who it is.
"Oh my god, are you oka- wait, Rudy?" She says.
I look up at her, "Vanessa," I manage to breathe out.
Vanessa. My high school sweetheart. The girl I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. The girl I thought I would never see again. Here. Right in front of me.

We stare at each other for a minute until she gets up on her tip toes, hugging me.
"Rudy! Oh my god! It's so good to see you!" Vanessa says, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I hesitantly hug her back, putting my arms around her waist. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she's here, in front of me, I front of all my friends. And most importantly, my girlfriend.

"H-hey. It's nice to see you too, Vanessa. It's been a while." I shakily say. She chuckles and pulls back from the hug. I can feel people staring at us, but I can't stop staring at her in utter disbelief.

Someone clears their throat from behind me, and the moments over. Chase comes up putting his arm around my shoulder. "Yo, Rudy! You gonna introduce us or what?"

I clear my throat, trying to clear my head. "Uh, yeah yeah. Um guys, this is Vanessa Jacobs. Vanessa, these uh, these are my friends. There's Chase, Mads, Elaine, Maddie, JD, Austin, and Drew." I say, pointing to each one of them as I say their names.

Vanessa smiles saying a small 'hi' as another girl comes up behind her. I've never seen her before, but I can tell that they're friends.

Once V realizes that her friend was by her she said, "Oh! Sorry, this is Sophie."
I smile at her in greeting , before turning back to the brunette that I haven't seen in years.
"So uh, wh-what're you doing here?" I ask her.
"What am I doing here? What're you doing here?" Before I can respond though, the blonde beside her, Sophie, decides to cut in right there though, "Before you two continue this cycle of 'what're you doing here's', why don't we all just say we're here to enjoy the beach, nothing more, hm?"

Everyone looks at her for a second, before everyone lets out small chuckles. Maddie then came up and put her arm around the blonde, stating, "Oh I like her."

Sophie grins while everyone laughs again. Maddie says, "C'mon, we came here to enjoy the beach, and that is exactly what we're going to do. What's a couple extra people?"

Everyone murmured their agreements, and set off down the beach once more. Vanessa and Sophie were getting to know Mads and Maddie, whilst all the others would occasionally add their input into the girls' conversation. Elaine made her way over to me, entwining our hands.
"So..." she started, "How do you know her?"
I could tell something was bothering her, I just didn't know what. So I replied, "We went to high school together. I haven't seen her since I first moved to LA." She seemed happy enough with the answer, and let it slide for now.

I didn't want to tell Elaine about mine and V's history. Elaine would get jealous or make a big deal out of nothing. Throughout the entire walk down to our spot, I couldn't stop glancing at Vanessa every so often. I don't know why, but it was like something was just drawing me to her.



So that's the first chapter! How'd you like it? I honestly didn't mean to make it this long, but the descriptions took a little more than I expected. I have an idea for what I want to do for the next chapter, but I still need to write it.

Don't forget to vote and comment any ideas you may have, I have no imagination so I may need a lil' help, lol.

Thx for reading, The Author

959 Words

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