012: Drunk

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*No One's POV*

The first day of filming was great. The cast spent most of the day joking and goofing around. Jonas was glad to see the natural chemistry between everyone, it really helped with the dynamic of their characters if they were already friends. He was especially happy to see how Rudy and Vanessa acted with each other. They acted very similarly to their characters, and he could just tell that there was something more between them then friendship.

After their long but enjoyable first day of filming, the cast decided to go out to dinner together, to celebrate finally starting the filming of season two.

The night was filled with very boisterous laughter, which definitely caused them to get weird looks from the other people in the restaurant, but they didn't care. All that mattered to them was each other. They had become like a family over the filming of Outer Banks, however dysfunctional it was, and they were more than happy to welcome both Vanessa and Sophie into said family.

Everyone was in their own little conversations, the Maddie's, Sophie and V were all laughing about one thing or another, Rudy and Chase were having a competition over who could chug their drinks faster, and in the process getting way too intoxicated. JD, Austin, and Drew were laughing at them, but otherwise talking about what was to come for season two.

At one point, Rudy and Chase had stopped their competition, getting multiple noise complaints from other guests. After that they were taking about whatever came to mind, laughing and giggling at everything due to their drunken states. Rudy had started fidgeting with his straw wrapper, somehow being able to make a ring out of it.

When Chase was distracted he took the opportunity to give it to Vanessa. She smiled and laughed when she accepted it, putting it on her middle finger like she always did. Rudy loved hearing her laugh, he would do anything to hear it again, I was his favorite sound. Everything about her was his favorite. His favorite color was the light brown of her eyes. His favorite smell was her sweet perfume. His favorite feeling was when she was in his arms. He loved everything about her.

Maybe it was his intoxicated state, but Rudy hadn't noticed that he had been staring at Vanessa until Chase punched him a little too hard to get his attention. Rudy snapped back to reality, blushing slightly when Chase started to tease him.

The cast only left the restaurant when they were basically kicked out at closing time. They didn't care though, being too drunk to really realize that they had annoyed the employees. Drew was the designated sober person, to make sure that everyone got home safe and didn't really do anything they would regret in the morning. When the cast finally got back to their apartment, most of them crashed in the living room. The alcoholic high they were on now wearing off.

The only ones left awake were Vanessa and Rudy, they knew how to hold their alcohol, even though they were kind of tired already. They were sitting in Rudy's bed, laughing about the most idiotic things.

Suddenly Rudy shot up, making V look at him confused. She say up too, with a questioning look on her face. "What's wrong?" She asked him, truly wondering what made him somewhat more sober than before.

Rudy looked at her before replying, "I need to tell you something." This was it. He hadn't talked to Elaine yet, but he couldn't go any longer without telling her his feelings.

"What is it?" She asked. V was a little worried about what had made him so serious so quickly.

"Look V, I, I still love you." He was looking down, not wanting to see the rejection on her face, if any at all. V grabbed his chin and made him look at her. "I-I don't know what to say, Rudy."

"Then don't say anything." And with that he kissed her. He didn't know why. He just really need her. Her lips were exactly like he remembered them. They were soft and fit perfectly with his. Vanessa's eyes widened at first, before she finally gave in and started to kiss him back.

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