009: Late Night Dates

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*No One's POV*

A couple weeks had passed and they were the best weeks of Vanessa and Sophie's lives. They spent most of their time with their new friends, growing closer with them than they have with anyone ever before.

Vanessa had gotten a call a few days ago from Jonas. He said that they would start filming at the start of next month, so they had a couple more weeks.

Vanessa and Rudy have grown even closer. They were happy to be back in each other's lives, even if it wasn't the same as before. As they grew closer though, Elaine got more jealous and stopped hanging out with the group as much.

Vanessa didn't know what was going on. To her, how she acted with Rudy was how she acted with all of her friends. But Elaine didn't really see it that way. She saw it as Vanessa trying to get back with Rudy. She started picking a lot more fights with Rudy. Sure, they fought a lot before, but now it was worse than ever.

Everyone could see how Elaine acted around Vanessa. When they were in the same room Elaine acted like she wasn't even there. Vanessa didn't understand what she did wrong to make Elaine dislike her so much, but she understood that not everyone would like her.

Currently, they were all at the beach. Rudy and Vanessa were out in the water sitting on their surfboards, just talking. Everyone else was scattered around the beach, doing their own things.

"Hey we should go out sometime." Rudy stated. V gave him a look causing him to chuckle and quickly explain his thoughts. "I just mean like old times, you know? We haven't been out to lunch or anything like we used to in a while."

V nodded, it was true. She missed their old lunch dates that they would always go on. "Sure, yeah that'd be fun. We could go out tonight. Grab a late night snack at that diner that's always open." Rudy smile, "Ok yeah, we'll go tonight." Vanessa couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face, he resembled a little puppy so much it was uncanny.

"C'mon," V started as she saw a wave coming, "this wave is calling our names."
Rudy couldn't help but chuckle, god what is she doing to him?


It was now around midnight. The group had just gotten back to the cast's apartment, Sophie and Vanessa basically moved in with them, and everyone had almost immediately crashed.

Rudy and Vanessa were waiting for everyone to fall asleep before they left, not wanting to disturb anyone.

When they finally thought it was ok to leave, they were as quiet as possible, trying not to laugh. They got outside and booked it to Rudy's car. Once they finally got in, they both burst out laughing. They didn't even know why they were laughing, they just were.

The car ride to the diner was filled with laughing and belting out music lyrics that were playing on the radio. For both of them, this was the happiest they had been in a long while, together.

They got to the diner and ordered their food, milkshakes and fries. It was their go to late night snack when they went on these little dates. They loved just being with each other, it was like nothing changed between them.

Rudy started playing with the wrapper of his straw, something he always did. The conversation had died down and they were now sitting in a comfortable silence, enjoying the company of one another.

"So..." Rudy started. He didn't know where he was going with this. He wanted to ask about the guy that was commenting on her posts, but didn't know what she would think if he did ask though.

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